I have an operational layer with about 20,000 points coming from a sublayer of a map server:
I also have a custom widget that will run a query against that same feature layer and add the returned features as graphics to a graphics layer that is created when the widget initializes. Technically the user could ask the widget to give them back all 20k points. If they do this, or even get back 5k records, the panning performance is incredibly degraded.
The question:
Why can I have all 20k features visible from the operational layer with normal panning, but adding even a quarter of them as query results degrades panning to an almost unusable state?
Here is the code that creates the graphics layer:
This is the code that puts the query results on the graphics layer:
For reference this is configurePopUpInfo():
Any input or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I also have a custom widget that will run a query against that same feature layer and add the returned features as graphics to a graphics layer that is created when the widget initializes. Technically the user could ask the widget to give them back all 20k points. If they do this, or even get back 5k records, the panning performance is incredibly degraded.
The question:
Why can I have all 20k features visible from the operational layer with normal panning, but adding even a quarter of them as query results degrades panning to an almost unusable state?
Here is the code that creates the graphics layer:
private function init():void
// build the layer to hold the graphics
graphicsLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
graphicsLayer.visible = false;
graphicsLayer.renderer = new SimpleRenderer(mySymbol);
// get output fields from the config file
popupfields = configXML.popup.fields.field;
popuptitle = configXML.popup.title;
// get counties starts the init chain of events to populate dropdownlists
// handle normal response from the server
private function onDoQueryResult(featureSet:FeatureSet, token:Object = null):void
// check for no records returned
if (featureSet.features.length == 0){
// tell the user no records matched the query
Alert.show("No records matched the query.");
// set the extent of the map to the extent of the graphics
var graphicsExtent:Extent = GraphicUtil.getGraphicsExtent(featureSet.features);
if (graphicsExtent)
map.extent = graphicsExtent;
// assign a popup to each graphic
for each (var graphic:Graphic in featureSet.features)
var infoWindowRenderer:ClassFactory = new ClassFactory(PopUpRenderer);
infoWindowRenderer.properties = {popUpInfo: configurePopUpInfo()};
graphic.infoWindowRenderer = infoWindowRenderer;
// make sure the graphics layer is visible
graphicsLayer.visible = true;
// set the graphic content to the query results
graphicsLayer.graphicProvider = featureSet.features;
// query is complete so enable the controls
// configure the popup for a graphic
private function configurePopUpInfo():PopUpInfo
var popupFields:Array = [];
var popUpInfo:PopUpInfo = new PopUpInfo();
popUpInfo.title = "{" + popuptitle + "}";
for each (var field:Object in popupfields){
var popupFieldInfo:PopUpFieldInfo = new PopUpFieldInfo();
popupFieldInfo.fieldName = field.name;
popupFieldInfo.label = field.alias;
popupFieldInfo.visible = true;
popUpInfo.popUpFieldInfos = popupFields;
return popUpInfo;