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WMS Layer Bounding Box Issues

I am trying to use a wms layer in my flex viewer (see http://sentinel.ga.gov.au/acres/sentinel/wfs_wms.shtml for details). The layer supports the spatial reference (WGS84) I am passing, and works properly when requested from arcmap or when you pass it a request as a url string.

When I include it in a flex viewer, however, the result is returned in completely the wrong location - instead of being located around australia roughly 20-40 deg S, 110-150 deg E, the points are all located at tiny lat longs - 0-0.00036 S and 0.00099 - 0.0014 E.

Looking at the request the viewer makes in fiddler, it sends enormous coordinates for the bounding box. There is clearly something strange about the way the flex viewer is interpreting the spatial reference. If I leave the WKID=... item out of the config it tries to pass the esri spatial reference of 102100, which the wms server doesn't understand. When I specify wkid="4283" it sends the massive bounding box values.

I am wondering if it is in some way related to this issue:


My config text for the layer is:


            <layer label="Sentinel" type="wms" wkid="4326" visible="true" alpha="1" url="http://sentinel.ga.gov.au/wmsconnector/com.esri.wms.Esrimap" imageFormat="png" visiblelayers="Modis48to72Hours" skipgetcapabilities="true" version="1.1.1"/>

The request sent by the viewer when I turn on the layer is:


GET /wmsconnector/com.esri.wms.Esrimap?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1%2E1%2E1&REQUEST=GetMap&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&LAYERS=Modis48to72Hours&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=1101&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&STYLES=&HEIGHT=590&BBOX=16427846%2E119045615%2C%2D4272829%2E881140223%2C17101103%2E464181416%2C%2D3912047%2E107634209 HTTP/1.1


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