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Chart and AttributeTable widgets conflict?

Hello All,

I made a map with several layers and add the attributeTable widget. It was working fine.
But then I add the Chart widget.
When I select (geographycally) the polygons I want to see in the chart:
- the polygons are not highlighted
- the attribute table is not updated (or no new tab appears)
(but the chartWidget itself works)

The configuration in config.xml is:

<layer type="dynamic" label="Baseline Findings" url="my adress">

The configuration in the AttributeTableWidget.xml is:
<layer name="Assessed Households Group" url="my adress/1">

<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.County" alias="County"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.State" alias="State"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Total_HH" alias="Total HH"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Control_TotalHH" alias="Control TotalHH"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Treatment_TotalHH" alias="Treatment TotalHH"/>

And the configuration in ChartWidget.xml is:
<layer label="Assessed Households Group" url="http://reach1.cern.ch/arcgis/rest/services/SSD_BRACE/SSD_AST_BRACE_results/MapServer/1" >
<field alias="State" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SS_3_Counties.STATE"/>
<field label="County" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.County"/>
<field label="Total HH" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Total_HH"/>
<field label="Treatment" alias="Treatment" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Treatment_TotalHH"/>
<field label="Control" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Control_TotalHH"/>
<media caption="You selected {=COUNT} counties"
title="Total No of Households"


Is there a problem in this configuration, or a conflict between the 2 widgets?
Hope I'm clear

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