I am hoping there may be a way to assign different colors to some of the field names / alias in the edit widget.
The reason I would like to do this is to visually "group" certain attributes such as all fields related to an address within the edit attributes dialog box.
I have tried vairous formatting ways to no avail.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<layer name="Services">
<field name="REVIEW_ACTION" required="false" useutc="false" <![CDATA[<font color="#FFFF00"> alias="Request Status" </font> ]]>/>
<field name="APPLICANT_NAME" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Applicant Name"/>
<field name="CONTACT_NUMBER" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Contact Number"/>
<field name="CONTACT_NUMBER_2" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Contact Number 2"/>
<field name="EMAIL_ADDRESS" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Email Address"/>
<field name="REPAIR_ADDRESS_L1" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Address"/>
<field name="SUBURB" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Suburb"/>
<field name="POSTCODE" required="false" useutc="false" color="#FFFF00" alias="Postcode"/>
<field name="COMPLETED_DATE" alias="Date Completed" >
<format precision="-1" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="true" dateformat="D MMM YYYY"/>.....
Any help would be appreciated
The reason I would like to do this is to visually "group" certain attributes such as all fields related to an address within the edit attributes dialog box.
I have tried vairous formatting ways to no avail.
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<layer name="Services">
<field name="REVIEW_ACTION" required="false" useutc="false" <![CDATA[<font color="#FFFF00"> alias="Request Status" </font> ]]>/>
<field name="APPLICANT_NAME" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Applicant Name"/>
<field name="CONTACT_NUMBER" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Contact Number"/>
<field name="CONTACT_NUMBER_2" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Contact Number 2"/>
<field name="EMAIL_ADDRESS" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Email Address"/>
<field name="REPAIR_ADDRESS_L1" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Address"/>
<field name="SUBURB" required="false" useutc="false" alias="Suburb"/>
<field name="POSTCODE" required="false" useutc="false" color="#FFFF00" alias="Postcode"/>
<field name="COMPLETED_DATE" alias="Date Completed" >
<format precision="-1" usethousandsseparator="false" useutc="true" dateformat="D MMM YYYY"/>.....
Any help would be appreciated