I was wondering if it is possible to add extract data to CAD with a SEED File. I tried to build a model which works fine in desktop but fails as a service when uploading.
Attachment 31611
Any suggestions?
Also I have tried to add in the seed file to the python code with no success.
Attachment 31611
Any suggestions?
Also I have tried to add in the seed file to the python code with no success.
# get path to zip
outputinzip = os.path.join(zipFolderPath, layerName + featureFormat[2])
if featureFormat[2].lower() in [".dxf", ".dwg", ".dgn"]:
#Message "..using export to cad.."
gp.ExportCAD_conversion(outputpath, featureFormat[1], outputinzip, "", "", "c:/SEEDFILE.DWG")