Hi Robert,
Your custom widgets are really awesome, however I am having a problem with the eDraw widget point "Show Measurement" coordinate settings. I have added another "pointunit" for Degree Decimal-Minutes. The label without exception displays the Decimal Degrees label and not the Degree Decimal-Minutes label that I need. Fire and Law Enforcement in our area almost exclusively use the Degree Decimal-Minutes coordinate format.
I have tried changing the spatial reference to NAD 1983 UTM 10N (26910) which uses meters but it doesn't make any difference.
Our local data is NAD 1983 State Plane California III FIPS 0403 Feet with a WKID of 2227. I have tried using the widget in a project with no local data but the label is still in Decimal Degrees not Degree Decimal Minutes.
I am using the compiled version in ArcGIS Flex Viewer 3.6 and am using our own geometry service.
Thank you for any guidance in fixing this,
Your custom widgets are really awesome, however I am having a problem with the eDraw widget point "Show Measurement" coordinate settings. I have added another "pointunit" for Degree Decimal-Minutes. The label without exception displays the Decimal Degrees label and not the Degree Decimal-Minutes label that I need. Fire and Law Enforcement in our area almost exclusively use the Degree Decimal-Minutes coordinate format.
I have tried changing the spatial reference to NAD 1983 UTM 10N (26910) which uses meters but it doesn't make any difference.
Our local data is NAD 1983 State Plane California III FIPS 0403 Feet with a WKID of 2227. I have tried using the widget in a project with no local data but the label is still in Decimal Degrees not Degree Decimal Minutes.
I am using the compiled version in ArcGIS Flex Viewer 3.6 and am using our own geometry service.
Thank you for any guidance in fixing this,