I'm using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 3.0.
How is it possible to change mouse cursor to arrow style when it is over dynamic map layer?
Here is the code that adds the layer to the map.
Popup is showing attribtues correctly.
I spent a long searching in MapManager.mxml file where to add listener:
but without success
Thank you for your tips.
Best regards,
I'm using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 3.0.
How is it possible to change mouse cursor to arrow style when it is over dynamic map layer?
Here is the code that adds the layer to the map.
<layer label="DynLyr" type="dynamic"
url="http://bulwa/arcgis/rest/services/f1/f1/MapServer" visible="true">
<sublayer id="0" popupconfig="popups/PopUp_DynLyr.xml"/>
I spent a long searching in MapManager.mxml file where to add listener:
layer.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onMouseOverHandler);
Thank you for your tips.
Best regards,