Hi all,
I am using the editor tool to draw line in th application. However, when I draw the lines it appears to be really thick. The service I published for this has the size configured to be 1 pt, however ArcGIS 10.1 somehow defaults it to 6 pt for some reason. As a reson I was thinking to change the size of the graphics symbol when feature template is selected....however I am not able to get hold of the symbol size nor override it. In the Editor widget we have
I was trying to get hold of drawTool.lineSymbol's width property like
. However I cannot get it. Is there any other way to do this. Thanks.
I am using the editor tool to draw line in th application. However, when I draw the lines it appears to be really thick. The service I published for this has the size configured to be 1 pt, however ArcGIS 10.1 somehow defaults it to 6 pt for some reason. As a reson I was thinking to change the size of the graphics symbol when feature template is selected....however I am not able to get hold of the symbol size nor override it. In the Editor widget we have
case (Geometry.POLYLINE):
//var drawLineSymbol:Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, 0, 1, 1);
//var drawLineSymbol:Symbol = new SimpleLineSymbol();
if (event.selectedTemplate.featureLayer.renderer != null)
drawTool.lineSymbol = event.selectedTemplate.featureLayer.renderer.getSymbol(event.selectedTemplate.featureTemplate.prototype);
else if (event.selectedTemplate.featureLayer.symbol)
drawTool.lineSymbol = event.selectedTemplate.featureLayer.symbol;