This is probably elemental but I couldn't find any mention of this in the tag reference ( and digging through the code/configuration files only got me so far. Basically I'm just looking for a way to change the default basemap when the 3.0 viewer comes up. I was able to add back the tag
<layer label="Streets" type="tiled" visible="true" alpha="1"
to the main config.xml file to get Streets to come up by default but that had the side effect of doing away with the Streets thumbnail in the basemap switcher widget (possibly because I was using the wrong service?) ... Anyway, looking at the code itself I get the impression that if one were to explicitly list all of the desired basemaps in the config.xml or the MapSwitcherWidget.xml then one could get it to work as desired but details on this in the tag reference were pretty much non-existent and the sample application completely useless, so, can anybody tell me how this can (easily) be done? Thanks in advance!
<layer label="Streets" type="tiled" visible="true" alpha="1"
to the main config.xml file to get Streets to come up by default but that had the side effect of doing away with the Streets thumbnail in the basemap switcher widget (possibly because I was using the wrong service?) ... Anyway, looking at the code itself I get the impression that if one were to explicitly list all of the desired basemaps in the config.xml or the MapSwitcherWidget.xml then one could get it to work as desired but details on this in the tag reference were pretty much non-existent and the sample application completely useless, so, can anybody tell me how this can (easily) be done? Thanks in advance!