I'm currently upgrading my viewer to 3.0 but I've run into an isse with the GeoRSS widget. I haven't had any issues in previous versions, so I'm not sure where to start. One of 2 things happens when I try to view a feed depending on which version of the .mxml I reference in the config.xml. With the .mxml I used in previous versions I'll get the icons displayed on the map properly, but they won't populate the TOC correctly. And when I use the default .mxml from 3.0 the TOC will populate correctly, but all the icons are the same when they should be different. I've tried to compare the 2 .mxml's side-by-side, but I don't know enough to pick out what makes it work.
Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you go about fixing it?
Has anyone else had this issue and if so, how did you go about fixing it?