This is directly related to my post here, but wanted to see if i could catch Roberts attention since it's direclty related to the relate widget he's made available.
For some reason, I can't get my layer to draw unless I set it to a type=dynamic. But of course, to get the relate widget to work I need it to be a type=feature.
Any ideas what I need to look at in order for my config code to work properly? Seems so simple but just can't get it to work. It had been working for months but now no good.
Thanks for any tips.
Again, sorry for the double post, but I couldn't rename my other post to include 'relate widget'.
<layer label="Parcels" type="feature" visible="true" alpha="1.0"
For some reason, I can't get my layer to draw unless I set it to a type=dynamic. But of course, to get the relate widget to work I need it to be a type=feature.
Any ideas what I need to look at in order for my config code to work properly? Seems so simple but just can't get it to work. It had been working for months but now no good.
Thanks for any tips.
Again, sorry for the double post, but I couldn't rename my other post to include 'relate widget'.
<layer label="Parcels" type="feature" visible="true" alpha="1.0"