I have several layers that I am listing in the identifywidget.xml and one of them (Section Notes) does not display when I am zoomed in more that its visible scale range. I have set <identifylayeroption>all</identifylayeroption> and the results work when I am zoomed out to the visible range.
Why is this happening?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<infoautoclosemilliseconds>2000</infoautoclosemilliseconds><!-- 2 seconds -->
<autoactivatedtool>mappoint</autoactivatedtool><!-- possible values are extent or polygon or mappoint or polyline or nothing -->
<zoom2message>Click to Zoom to Point</zoom2message>
<descriptionlabel>Use the identify tool to identify features on the map:</descriptionlabel>
<pointlabel>Identify by Point</pointlabel>
<linelabel>Identify by Polyline</linelabel>
<rectlabel>Identify by Rectangle</rectlabel>
<polylabel>Identify by Polygon</polylabel>
<removeresultmessage>Remove Result</removeresultmessage>
<idfrom>Identify From</idfrom>
<noresultsfoundlabel>No Results Found</noresultsfoundlabel>
<resultsfoundlabel>Results Found</resultsfoundlabel>
<useproxy><!-- Enter the label of the MapService from the main config.xml -->
<!--<proxymapservice label="Imagery" />
<proxymapservice label="Streets" />-->
<layers onlythese="true">
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELID" alias="Parcel ID" />
<field name="STREET" alias="Street" />
<field name="MAIL_ZIP" alias="ZIP Code" />
<field name="OwnerName" alias="Owner Name" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<name>Section Notes</name>
<fields all="false">
<field name="NOTES" alias="Comments" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<fields all="false">
<field name="HDREFNO" alias="HDREFNO" />
<field name="WATERSUPPLY" alias="Water Supply" />
<field name="SANITARYTYPE" alias="Sanitary Type" />
<field name="APPLICANT" alias="Applicant" />
<field name="COMMENTS" alias="Comments" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<simplefillsymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.4" style="solid">
<outline color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
<simplemarkersymbol style="circle" size="12" color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
<outline style="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0.8" width="1"/>
<picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/i_info.png" height="30" width="30" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" />
<simplelinesymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
I have several layers that I am listing in the identifywidget.xml and one of them (Section Notes) does not display when I am zoomed in more that its visible scale range. I have set <identifylayeroption>all</identifylayeroption> and the results work when I am zoomed out to the visible range.
Why is this happening?
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<infoautoclosemilliseconds>2000</infoautoclosemilliseconds><!-- 2 seconds -->
<autoactivatedtool>mappoint</autoactivatedtool><!-- possible values are extent or polygon or mappoint or polyline or nothing -->
<zoom2message>Click to Zoom to Point</zoom2message>
<descriptionlabel>Use the identify tool to identify features on the map:</descriptionlabel>
<pointlabel>Identify by Point</pointlabel>
<linelabel>Identify by Polyline</linelabel>
<rectlabel>Identify by Rectangle</rectlabel>
<polylabel>Identify by Polygon</polylabel>
<removeresultmessage>Remove Result</removeresultmessage>
<idfrom>Identify From</idfrom>
<noresultsfoundlabel>No Results Found</noresultsfoundlabel>
<resultsfoundlabel>Results Found</resultsfoundlabel>
<useproxy><!-- Enter the label of the MapService from the main config.xml -->
<!--<proxymapservice label="Imagery" />
<proxymapservice label="Streets" />-->
<layers onlythese="true">
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELID" alias="Parcel ID" />
<field name="STREET" alias="Street" />
<field name="MAIL_ZIP" alias="ZIP Code" />
<field name="OwnerName" alias="Owner Name" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<name>Section Notes</name>
<fields all="false">
<field name="NOTES" alias="Comments" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<fields all="false">
<field name="HDREFNO" alias="HDREFNO" />
<field name="WATERSUPPLY" alias="Water Supply" />
<field name="SANITARYTYPE" alias="Sanitary Type" />
<field name="APPLICANT" alias="Applicant" />
<field name="COMMENTS" alias="Comments" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="">
<simplefillsymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.4" style="solid">
<outline color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
<simplemarkersymbol style="circle" size="12" color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
<outline style="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0.8" width="1"/>
<picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/i_info.png" height="30" width="30" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" />
<simplelinesymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>