I'm using Flex Viewer 3.0, and have built a geoprocessing service widget that invokes a geoprocessing service which in turn creates a map service on our server. The output from the geoprocessing service is the REST url of the map service. The widget takes the returned url string and adds the dynamic map service layer to the flex viewer map. This part all works fine. What I would like to have happen is that new dynamic map layer appear in the toc of the layerlist widget. Right now it's not showing up. I'm pretty much of a newbie when it comes to actionscript programming, so I don't know how this is to work. As best I can tell the layerlist widget is being driven by it's config xml file which currently has no operational layers listed. How do you get a layer to appear in the toc of the layerlist widget when that layer was added to the map via another widget? Thanks.