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Enhanced Search Widget

I have been having trouble getting my posts to submit, so hopefully this is not a duplicate. I am having trouble getting the esearch widget 3.0 to return results for a relationship class in an sde geodatabase. It is working fine on a File based Geodatabase. I am using ArcGIS server 10.1. I have checked inside the ArcGIS services directory and the query related records works fine there for both the file based geodatbase and the SDE geodatabase. Both query calls in fire bug look identical, but the sde does not fill out the related records grid.

This is the relate that is not working, and I do not know why because it is identical to the File based Geodatabase. The only thing that I can see different between the geodatabases is that the SDE geodatabase has an alias for the table name and the File based is aliased the same as the table name, but I figure since it is working correctly at the services directory it has to have something to do with the way that the fields are passed back to the data grid.
<name>Collection & Drainage Gravity Mains</name>
<expression alias="Facility ID" textsearchlabel="Facility ID:">
<value prompt="Example: GM7349" isvaluerequired="false"> FacilityID LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Gravity Mains</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<!--field name="objectid" visible="false" /-->
<field name="FacilityID" gridfield="true" visible="True" />
<field name="OperationalArea" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Operational Area" />
<field name="AdministrativeArea" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Owner" />
<field name="FlowType" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Flow Type" />
<field name="OriginKnown" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Origin Known" />
<field name="LocationKnown" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Location Known" />
<field name="YearInstalled" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Installation Year" />
<field name="Material" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Material" />
<field name="MaintenanceZone" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Maintenance Zone" />
<field name="InElevation" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="In Elevation" />
<field name="OutElevation" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Out Elevation" />
<field name="CrossSectionalShape" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Shape of Main" />
<field name="Diameter" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Diameter" />
<field name="PlanReferenceNumber" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Plan Reference Number" />
<field name="Comments" gridfield="true" gridfieldonly="true" alias="Comments" />

<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />
<relate id="5" label="Gravity Main Maintenance" enableexport="true" icon="assets/images/i_Flag.png">
<fields all="true">
<!--field name="GravityMainID" gridfield="true" visible="True" />
<field name="MaintenanceType" alias="Type of Maintenance" />
<field name="DateCompleted" alias="Date Maintenance Completed" dateformat="MM/DD/YYYY" sort="asc|1|date" />
<field name="Length" alias="Length of Maintenance" />
<field name="Direction" alias="Direction of Maintenance" />
<field name="TapeNum" alias="Tape Number if CCTV" />
<field name="RootControlMethod" alias="Root Control Method" />
<field name="WorkDoneBy" alias="Maintenance Completed By" />
<field name="CCTV" alias="Needs Televised" />
<field name="Comments"/-->
<simplelinesymbol color="0x00ffff" alpha="0.8" width="2" />

Any help would be appreciated. Also I think there is a way to get the exact version of the widget, but I cannot find where I seen that.

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