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Images do not display in identify widget pop up

Hi all,

I am using the identify widget v 3.0.1. I have successfully set it up to identify a point dataset, displaying some items only in the pop up. I now want to display photos in the pop up. It does not, however, display such images even when I have, to my knowledge, been setting up the config file correctly (see below). Any help much appreciated.

Yes, the map service is set up with a field called 'photo' containing the file name and extension of the photos so it matches up with the prefix in the syntax of the identify widget below. I checked that this field is accessible to the widget by adding it into the list to be displayed when one uses the widget (see bolded syntax below). Strangely, this then caused the pop up to behave as though it were displaying the photos, but only a frame with a broken image symbol in the middle appeared. Also, the red x image in the identify tool results was also replaced with a broken image symbol.


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <infoautoclosemilliseconds>2000</infoautoclosemilliseconds><!-- 2 seconds -->
    <autoactivatedtool>mappoint</autoactivatedtool><!-- possible values are extent or polygon or mappoint or polyline or nothing -->
        <zoom2message>Click to Zoom to Point</zoom2message>
        <descriptionlabel>Use the identify tool to identify features on the map:</descriptionlabel>
        <pointlabel>Identify by Point</pointlabel>
        <linelabel>Identify by Polyline</linelabel>
        <rectlabel>Identify by Rectangle</rectlabel>
        <polylabel>Identify by Polygon</polylabel>
        <removeresultmessage>Remove Result</removeresultmessage>
        <idfrom>Identify From</idfrom>
        <noresultsfoundlabel>No Results Found</noresultsfoundlabel>
        <resultsfoundlabel>Results Found</resultsfoundlabel>
    <useproxy><!-- Enter the label of the MapService from the main config.xml -->
        <!--<proxymapservice label="Imagery" />
        <proxymapservice label="Streets" />-->
    <layers onlythese="true">
                <field name="photo" alias="photo" />               
                                                                      <field name="Address" alias="Address" />
                <field name="City" alias="City" popuponly="true"/>
                <field name="State" alias="State" popuponly="true"/>
                <field name="Postcode" alias="Postcode"/>
                <link includeinresults="true" field="photo" alias="photo" tooltip="hi this is a tooltip">
            <name>QLD rail</name>
                <field name="FNAME" alias="Name" />
                <field name="WIDTH" alias="Gauge" popuponly="true"/>
                <field name="ELECTRIFIE" alias="Electrified?" popuponly="true"/>
                <field name="OP_STATUS" alias="Status"/>
                <field name="ESRIdate" alias="Date"/>popuponly="true" dateformat="YYYY/MM/DD"/>
                <link includeinresults="false" field="" alias="" tooltip="">
        <simplefillsymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.4" style="solid">
            <outline color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
        <simplemarkersymbol style="circle" size="12" color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
            <outline style="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0.8" width="1"/>
        <picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/i_info.png" height="30" width="30" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" />
        <simplelinesymbol color="0x448ccb" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>

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