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UTM Grid similar to LatLong\MGRS Grids

I'm using Kerry Coffin's and ad_giles@hotmail.com's widgets and FlexProjections.swc as a base to try and make a tool that can draw on the map a grid in UTM Zone 35N and a LatLong grid. My maps are in UTM 35N but I can't seem to make the right conversion to WGS84 to display the LatLong grid. And as for the UTM grid - I'm not sure if that is possible with this library(maybe some heavy modfication of the MGRS Layer as they are supposed to be similar).

This is the most recent try to get the right projection to the graticule layer and display the LatLong grid:

import com.esri.ags.geod.Ellipsoid;
import com.esri.ags.geod.IProjection;

var a:Number = 6378137;
var inverseF:Number = 298.257223563;
var wktName:String = "Ellipsoid R=WGS84";
var newEllipsoid:Ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid(a,inverseF,wktName);
var newIProj:IProjection = MoreUtils.getUTMProjection(32635, false, newEllipsoid);
graticuleLayer.projection = newIProj;

The code is in the function that initializes on creationComplete (or widgetConfigLoaded="basewidget_widgetConfigLoadedHandler(event)" in the widget) and creates the instances of the MGRS and Graticule Layers

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