Hi guys, I'm new with arcgis viewer.
I'm building an app with the uncompiled arcgis viewer. I configured the edit widget to use my arcgis service and I've already got the widget to edit a few entities I have. The problem is that I have an entity "A" that has a relational reference to entity "B". Entity "A" has a code field that references B. I need a way to allow the user to fills that reference and keep the integrity. How can I make this field required? How can I check if the reference is correct? There are an easy way to do this?
Sorry for the english, I'm not a native english speaker.
I'm building an app with the uncompiled arcgis viewer. I configured the edit widget to use my arcgis service and I've already got the widget to edit a few entities I have. The problem is that I have an entity "A" that has a relational reference to entity "B". Entity "A" has a code field that references B. I need a way to allow the user to fills that reference and keep the integrity. How can I make this field required? How can I check if the reference is correct? There are an easy way to do this?
Sorry for the english, I'm not a native english speaker.