Upgrading widgets for flexviewer 3.0
First a great thanks to Robert Scheitlin and other widget creators for providing and upgrading all those great widgets for use in flexviewer 3.0 1) In the process of migrating our web map apps to 3.0...
View ArticleChanging the Text of the Locate Widget
Hello all, I'm trying to change the default text of "enter the address" to and actual example say "Please enter an address like 123 North St. Radford VA" I tried adding the tag <addresstitle> to...
View ArticleSelected features don't line up with what's on screen
Hello, I'm using flexviewer 3.0, with the Esri aerial basemap (which is the first basemap to get loaded in my config.xml). I am projecting my operational layers on the fly to overlay on the basemap -...
View ArticleLegend & Tiled service 3.0
I am upgrading my maps from 2.5 to 3.0 and have a problem with the legend widget. In 2.5 it properly saw the scale of my tiled services and only showed the symbols for the scale of the map. In 3.0 this...
View ArticleComplex labels with ADO connection
Hi all, I have labels that use a VBScript to query related data from a MS Access database using an ADO connection. The labels don't show up when I publish the map to the web as either an msd or mxd....
View ArticleUsing AGOL organisational basemaps - Issue in Viewer - Bjorn HELP!
Hi There, We have discovered an issue in the Flex Viewer - v 3.0. Basic version - we cannot display webmaps from an AGOL organisational account in the viewer in the basemap gallery - where you have...
View ArticlePrint on multiple pages
Hi all, 'm successfully using last version of advanced print widget, but now I need to print legend separately on a second page because of it is too large and covers the map. Can you help me? Thanks in...
View ArticleEditing Widget (Labels not working on feature layers...)
Hello, I have a web map created to edit a point feature layer. The .msd is created to show labels but the labels do not show up in the web map. Does anyone know how to make labels show up for feature...
View ArticleIs it possible to have popups ignore double-click
using FV3. When you double-click on the map (with tiled basemaps), it will zoom to the next LOD. However, if you happen to double-click on a feature that has a popup configured for it, it will select...
View ArticleRoute: images for turn-by-turn directions?
In addition to the overall route map, I would like to include a map image for each direction returned from RouteTask, but don't see a RouteParameter that meets that criteria. Each step in the...
View ArticleeSearch buffer issue
Using AGS server 10.1 (recently installed yet still fixing issues) and FlexViewer 3.0, I found that the buffer function in eSearch is not working for me. The graphic never gets created and therefore...
View ArticleTurn off Basemaps
I have placed some basemaps on my maps as an option for the user, using MapSwitcher widget. However, they cannot get the basemap to turn-off when they still want to look at the data, but not have the...
View ArticleChange map spatail reference - problem with my service
I've made some changes in MapManager.mxml so now when i load my basemap which is in wkid=2180, map.spatialReference changes. Code: //MapManager.mxml line 1405 var pol92:Number = 2180;...
View ArticleeSearch 3.0.10 - spatialreference
I have the latest eSearch setup and everything works except the spatial search. At first, the buffer would not even be created, then I changed the <spatialreference> from the default 102003 to...
View ArticlePhoto-image in Flex 3.0
Hi, I have downloaded the AttRelateInfoWin 3.0. I would like to know if there's a way to show photos (originally attached in arcMap via attachment manager) with this widget. If you have any answer to...
View ArticleCustom Find Place in HeaderControllerWidget FlexViewer 3.0
Hi guys, i'm trying to change the general layout of the viewer. I saw the custom header controller widget of GoElectric demo and the find place is fantastic. There is any code example to implemented...
View ArticlePopup Images
Hello, I'm using the QueryWidget and when I click on a feature, the popup window displays an image. However, the images I am linking to are updated frequently but they don't seem to refresh in the...
View ArticleRequired fields with Editing widget
Hello, Is it possible to make "required fields" when adding features with the editing widget? Thanks, Jerry
View Articlecustomizing the Link Widget, having some issues
I've got a widget that is specifically intended to, when clicked, zoom the map view to a specified extent that relates to the boundary of a park. For example, when first launched, the viewer zooms to a...
View ArticleRobert's Parcel Search reports...
Robert, I'm creeping on your Calhoun county Flex Viewer, and see that you are generating reports from a selected parcel that includes the map selection, and data-driven table. Can you expose or at...
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