properties in a widget
hi I am writing a widget using flashbuilder 4.6 , I want to return a Boolean value as result of this widget operation which will be used by other widjet in the application. how to return a value from a...
View ArticlePrinting Widget Data
What is the best approach for printing data contained inside a widget? I am looking at the print widget, but I am under the impression it only prints maps and map data. Thanks, Ron
View ArticleCapture event result immediatly
I have the following code: Code: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â for each (var fieldInfo:PopUpFieldInfo in popUpInfo.popUpFieldInfos) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â if...
View ArticleIs it possible to run a model made in arcmap 10.1 and run as a widget in Flex...
Is it possible to make a model in model builder in arc map 10.1 and the publish that model as a service for Arc GIS Server 10.1, and can i use published model in flex viewer 3.0 as widget or some other...
View ArticleOperational Layers for Aerial
I'm trying to create a Basemap Group for our Aerial Imagery, but I'm having some difficulties with all the coding in the file. I'm trying to create something similar to the...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.0.1f - results & white exclamation problem
I have some problems using the identify widget. 1) Everytime I try to identify a feature, I will get this message "No Results Found" before the results show up. I try to modify the code on...
View ArticleConfiguring the Initial Settings - ArcGIS Online for Organizations
Hello, This might seem a silly question to most but I cannot figure out for the life of me how to get started only having an ArcGIS Online for Organizations account. I do not have a server so I'm not...
View ArticleBookmarkWidget to be leaked?
Has anyone seen this error message? warning: The class widgets.Bookmark.Bookmark has been used in a call to net.registerClassAlias() in _BookmarkWidget_FlexInit. This will cause...
View ArticleWMTS - how to use?
Hi all, I know I will look silly to many of you... I´m stuck with this problem and I just hope someone will help... My problem is that I´m not able to use WMTS. I know it´s different than WMS - I read...
View Articleidentify widget version 3.0 raster layer.
I have published a map on server consisting of 10 layers of which only one layer is published as raster the rest is published as feature layer. I used the identify widget. when i used the all layers...
View ArticleeSearch Spatial Search Buffer
The spatial search works fine in the eSearch - but, the actual buffer graphic is not displayed on the map - it used to be and now it;s not... In Firebug everything looks fine, geometries are...
View ArticleAdd WMS Service in flex Viewer
Hi guys i have a problem. I have a WMS Service that has been published with a product of Intergrapfh. This is the wms service: and i add this...
View ArticleFlex 3.0 with Flash Builder 4.5
I have Flash Builder 4.5 and we want to upgrade our Flex 2.2 to 3.0. Do I need Flash Builder 4.6? Can I run Adobe Flex 4.6 SDK, with Flash Builder 4.5?
View ArticleGraphic with custom Extent
Dear Friends I have a graphic element.I want this graphic element visibility should increase with zoom in out.If Zoom in it shoud increase size and if zoom out it should decrease size.please help..Thanks
View ArticleResizing of Widget Icon in Header.
Hi, I am trying to decrease my widget Icon which appears on the header, I tried but not getting any idea ,can any one please suggest me how can i do it. Thanks and Regards, Shabbir
View ArticleArcGIS Online Basemaps not visible after adding in maps from server
Hi, I'm using Flexviewer 3 and ArcGIS 10.1. When I create a new application I can view all the basemaps from ArcGIS online fine, but when I add my own maps in and click on any of the ArcGIS online...
View ArticleNear Query Question
I would like to enhance a flood zone widget to find the distance to the nearest flood zone. It would be a single polygon to polygon near query(buffer ???). That would return the distance in feet from a...
View ArticleSpatial Data Server (SDS) support in SFV
Hi :-) We have recently upgraded to 10.1 and are looking at the new Spatial Data Server (SDS). We have managed to get it installed and working from webmap, but we are struggeling with...
View Articledispatching Event
while learning about how to dispatch a customized event i have found that following two methods are mentioned for dispatching event. these are: dispatchevent which require an event object to be passed...
View ArticleeSearch URL search & print widget error
Good morning, I am getting a funky error when trying to print when the url contains a search string. It returns an error of 'esriJobFailed'. I've poked around firebug and fiddler, but nothing really...
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