New Attribute Table Widget
Stuggling to get this new widget to work. I'm finding if I specify in the config something like this: <layer label="Boundaries"...
View ArticleEither or option for layer list or legend widgets
Hi - I was wondering if anyone has modified the layer list or legend widgets so that only one operational layer can be turned on at a time - i.e. when the viewer ticks one layer on any previously...
View ArticleSQL Query Issue with Operators in eSearch Widget
I'm trying to do a query to select from "StreetNum" or "AltStreetN" which are 2 fields for address number, and also street, "StreetName". I'd like to have 2 fields for entry, with the StreetName field...
View Articlechange enableIcon property in WidgetTemplate class
I am using Flex Viewer 3.1 I would like to change the value of the property enableIcon in WidgetTemplate. My widget extends BaseWidget. I know there has to be a connection between WidgetTemplate and...
View ArticleProblems with basemaps in AppBuilder 3.1
Hi, I've tried the new AppBuilder 3.1 and have problems creating apps with my basemaps. If I'm only using sample basemaps from arcgis online eventhing works, but if I use my basemaps (that worked...
View ArticleIs the World Locator geocoder working for others?
Hi, Yesterday morning, 8 AM Central time, I tried using the WorldLocator geocoder and it would grind away forever. Finally it would say nothing found. After around 9:15 it started working again. Today...
View ArticleRemove glowfilter on a certain scale with InfoWindow
I am facing some problems with the glowfilter. I know how to remove it in all places, but i want to remove it on a certain scale. Because the problem with the glow only takes place at a certain scale....
View ArticleClear eSearch Results from Fixed Data Grid
All, I was wondering if anyone had successfully added a clear results button on their fixed datagrid for Robert's eSearch widget (vers. 3.0.8)? I thought if I made the clear() function in the...
View ArticleStreet viewer
Street viewer has stopped working and unable to connect to server. Anyone know what happened to the Service and is there an alternative address to point to? This has been extremely helpful for my staff...
View Article“Invalid settings” when starting the “ArcGIS viewer for flex”,
“Invalid settings” when starting the “ArcGIS viewer for flex”, Please, have a look on the screenshots below Attachment 20106, Attachment 20107 I there any reason behind getting the message “Invalid...
View ArticleLocate Widget Pick Location from Map?
I there a way to configure the Locate Widget to perform a reverse geocode based on a location picked off the map by the user? The pin icon is an option to locate by X,Y but does not give the user an...
View ArticlePrint widget 3.1
I'm having issues with Internet Explorer 9 showing my basemaps on the pdf generated by the print widget. It shows the operational layers but not the basemaps. In Firefox 12 the basemaps show up. I...
View ArticleReverse Geocoding Widget
Gurus, Has anyone tried to use this sample to create a widget for viewer?
View ArticlePop-up Links
I have the URL's of the links in the table. I just need to find a way to make the link not show up like on the enhanced search widget. In that widget you just use a hyperlinkalias. Is there a way that...
View ArticleMouse over Tooltip for shapes in Flex Viewr
We are using the Flex Viewer 3.1 for parcel searching and locating. I am trying to determine how to have a tool tip with the address information on it as the default functionality when zoomed into a...
View Articleconfiguring searchbox in HeaderControllerWidget 3.1
I really like the idea of the new searchbox in the HeaderControllerWidget, but I'm not able to configuring it as I want. Don't know if I'm doing it wrong or if it's impossible without changing the...
View ArticleProblems with Edit Widget and request to improve it
Hi all, Firstly I would like to know if the problem I've found it's a bug: I have a layer to be edited with domains and subtypes, but in order to display the description instead of code values I have...
View ArticleGetting info from an asset
Hi, I want to click on an asset (e.g. mains) and get information for it, like info button in ArcMap. Which gadget should I use in ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.1? Thanks, Mesud
View ArticleDeployment Problem Flex viewer
Dear All, I have customised the flex viewer 2.6 and it is running on my own Computer having osperating system windows vista,i want to deploy the application.The server is the operating system 2008...
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