Pie chart symbol
Hi, I just tried publishing an MXD that was using pie chart symbols and discovered that they're not supported by ArcGIS Server. Does anyone know of a relatively easy way to put georeference pie charts...
View Articlefor rschietlin: Attach/Relate Info Window Widget version 3.1 for Application...
This message is for rschietlin: Is there any chance there is an Attachment Relate Info Window Widget version 3.1 for Application Builder in the works? I'm having trouble finding the tools I need for...
View Articleselect in attribute table widget
I cannot seem to get a select feature to work in the new attribute table widget. I can get the attributes to appear in the table and edit them but I cannot select on the map. Am I missing something?
View ArticleeDraw Widget Enhancement
To All eDraw Widget Users: Would it be possible to extend this widget to allow graphics drawn that are tied into a mapservice used in the application? I am looking for the ability to add a graphic box...
View ArticleDisplay default text for empty fields in a PopUp window
I'm using FlexViewer 2.5. I have a PopUp window for a Zoning layer. The PopUp displays the Zoning, Planned Development Number and an Amendment Number. Most parcels don't have a Planned Development...
View ArticleDynamic Workspace
Is it foreseen at ESRI to implement the use of Dynamic Workspace in the viewer? For example: adding a new layer from a registered workspace and have the Layer List and Legend updated automatically.
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.0.1 - error after zooming
I am having an issue with the identify results only being successful when the map is initially opened and the user has not yet zoomed in or out. As soon as the user zooms and attempts an identify, it...
View ArticleMap is not updating after making changes to the MXD
Good morning all, I'm having a problem with my web map not showing updates I've made to the .mxd Here are the steps I've done: 1. Made change to .mxd in this case digitized a road. 2. Restarted the...
View ArticleUnable to apply edits
I am running ArcServer 10.1 and Flex Viewer 3.0. I am attempting to edit a feature class in a 9.3.1 SDE geodatabase using the Edit widget. The feature class has been registered as versioned and I am...
View ArticleEdit Widget 3.1
Ok i've been working on this for awhile and can never seem to get the edit widget to do what i would like it to. In the tag reference it talks about using the <formfieldsorder> you can pick from...
View ArticleHow Can I Create a Data Sheet from the eSearch Table?
Hello, I am trying to figure out how I can build a data sheet from information that is retrieved using the eSearch widget and temporarly stored within the provided table. The data is being stored...
View ArticleTOC Widget in a Secure Service
I like Robert's TOC Widget, it has many nice tools, but when used with secure map/feature-services the feature symbol graphics do not display. When the service is Public the symbol graphic displays...
View ArticleHow to add uncompiled widgets to Flex Projects
When i add the uncompiled Selection widget to my Flex Builder Project , developer flex viewer and then compile the project it shows 19 errors and all most all are " Could not resolve...
View Articledisable enter address feature in 3.1 api
I do not want to use the Enter address line in the new version of flexviewer. How can I prevent it from showing?
View ArticleAttachment Relate Info Window Widget - Fault Error
I was curious if anybody was facing a similar issue. When I click on the relate table button within the PopUp I can see all the related table possibilities. I then proceed to click on the related table...
View ArticleFV 3.1 WordWrap
All- We have upgraded an application from FV3.0 to the 3.1 Viewer for Flex and have lost the ability to wrap text in the Splash widget and the "About" page in the HeaderController widget. Do folks have...
View Articledisable spatial changes in edit widget
I have an existing layer that I want the user to just add or change text in a comments for for that polygon. I do not want the ability to edit in any way the spatial features. Is this possibble in the...
View ArticleBest Design and Organization For Web Apps
Hello, I am looking at advice for the design and organization of web apps(flex). I know this may sound like a general question, but I am really looking at what would provide the best performance for...
View ArticleHow to include custom widget into ArcGIS Viewer for Flex Application Builder
Hi All, I am new to flex development. I have developed a simple widget which shows a map coordinates on map click, using "Source code for Flex Viewer 3.0" in Flash bulder 4.7. now I would like to...
View ArticleRelated info in popups
It is my understanding that the new version 3.1 viewer supports related data in the popups. Is there any documentation out there showing how to configure it? The help documentation does not appear to...
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