Identify Widget 3.1
I was attempting on setting up the Identify widget for the viewer and it seems to work fine except for 1 issue that i can not figure out what is causing it. I started with a out of the box viewer and...
View ArticleIdentify Widget v3.1
Hi, I've downloaded the lastest Identify Widget and can't get it to work under ArcGIS Flex Viewer 3.1 The error I'm getting is: "1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: PopUpInfo"...
View ArticleHow to remove widget icons
What is the easiest way to remove the icons from the top of an individual widget? I have one widget in the latest viewer version (3.1) that I have added buttons to at the bottom of the widget to change...
View ArticleIdentify widget 3.1
I'm having an odd issue with the identify widget in 3.1. In my first two upgrades, this widget performs as expected. With the third nothing happens when I click on something as if it is not recognizing...
View ArticleLock/Constrain Extents Flexviewer 3.1
I am using the latest 3.1 viewer and looking to secure the extent. Disabling the left mouse function would be nice but I would like to constrain the extent similar to...
View ArticleQuery pop up window doesn't display image Identify pop up does
I have Query widget using flexviewer 3.1 none of which display the image in the popup window. However you can link to the image in the Query widget itself see image. What is going on here. It used to...
View ArticleQuery Widget and Identify Widget do not work when opened at the same time
If I open the identify widget it works as expected. However when I have the identify widget and the Query widget open at the same time identify widget no longer works. using flexviewer 3.1 Is there a...
View ArticleHow change " returnZ flase" to true?
I,m using Geoprocessing tool (ArcGISServer 10.1) and flex3. I have this error in my arcgisjob directories: "Geometry can not have z values". How can I change "returnZ false" to "returnZ true"? or other...
View ArticleLoad own content shapefiles in Flex Viewer
Hi, I am new to Flex Viewer and I want to create my first map using a OSM background and some shapefiles as operational layers. I uploaded the first shapefile to (my content) and shared it...
View Articleidentify widget 3.1
I am using the identify widget for a layer that is used as a map and a feature layer. When I use the identify widget I am getting 2 results for eah record. Is there a way to exclude one?
View ArticlePrint Widget not working for layers that require a proxy url
Using the Viewer for Flex Application builder 3.1, I've added a couple of operational layers that require a proxy. These display fine, but the print widget generates an error. When using the print...
View ArticleLegend Widget not Refreshing
I am running ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1 and ArcGIS for Flexviewer 3.1. I have a testbed Flex mapping application at The Legend Widget is described as showing only those service...
View ArticleHow to set MapRotation in FLexViewer 3.1
Hi all, I've downloaded the arcgis api for flex 3.1 (uncompiled), and the arcgis viewer flex 3.1 (uncompiled). And I'm working with Flash Builder 4.6. I am trying to set map rotation on my source code...
View ArticleMisc questions on the builder evolution
Hello, Here's a few questions on the evolution of the builder : - Any plan to manage widget groups within the builder (as this is currently possible in the XML configuration file) ? - Any plan to allow...
View Article. as thousand separators and , as decimal point in Enhanced Draw Widget?
Hi hi, since i am located in Europe I would like to have points as thousand separators and comma as decimal points, is this possible using Enhanced Draw Widget?? here is my application:...
View ArticleAdd executable icon to header area
Currently I have a widget that allows users to display certain map layouts. All it basically does is turn layers on/off programmatically based up which map they want to see (see graphic). I would like...
View ArticleAdd copy to context menu
I would like to be able to select some text from a popup infowindow, and be able to right-click on it and copy the text to the clipboard. Has anyone done this, or know the proper way to make it happen?...
View ArticleGeoprocessing+flex
I have a model in ArcGIS 10.1 that user should draw a line on the map and model convert it to a 3d line.When I run model by ArcMap every thing is ok, but when I run model by flex viewer, it return this...
View ArticleLegend Widget showing multiple patches on grouped symbology
I apologize if this has been answered already, but I couldn't find anything in the forums. Just upgraded from 2.x to 3.1 and I'm noticing that when using a service that has a layer with grouped values...
View ArticleError - Highlight polygon when item roll over on datagrid
I try to highlight a polygon when item roll over on the datagrid and unhighlight it when item roll out. But keep getting error message on onItemRollOut function. I attached the modify code and message...
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