Importing Customized Widget Failure! Plz Help!
Hello All! So I have created my first widget in Flash Builder 4.7. I am running Arcgis Viewer for Flex 3.1. When I attempt to bring my new widget into a viewer it just doesn't work. However, when I run...
View ArticleMGRS Coordinate Panel for Flex Viewer 3.1
All, I have just uploaded a widget to the gallery that displays a coordinate panel along the bottom of the application that shows Map Coordinates, MGRS and Scale. It allows provides check boxes to turn...
View ArticleAdd Excel Widget For Flex Viewer 3.1
All, Updated version of the Add Excel widget is now available to work with 3.1: Regards Anthony
View ArticleTiled Map Service Style Widget
All, Updated version of the Tiled Map Service Style Widget is now available to work with 3.1: Regards Anthony
View ArticleProblem using multiple expressions in eSearch 3.1
I am trying to upgrade my flex application to 3.1 and am having problems with the eSearch widget. I have a multiple expression search that worked fine at 2.5. When I upgraded to 3.1 and the newest...
View ArticleIdentify Widget Not Returning Records
Robert I am having a little trouble using the Identify Widget for Flex 3.0 using the app builder version. The tool seems to be doing everything right except returning the record from my rest endpoint....
View ArticleSave as a text file - Naming Constrictions
Hi, I've been working on a simple widget which records text messages which the user inputs, however the next function of this widget I have had some trouble with and that is saving it to a text file. I...
View ArticleIssues with Edit Widget 3.1
Hi, I have a couple of problems with the new Edit widget 3.1. When I add related records one of the fields is a drop down list, whatever I choose from the list is defaulted to appear in the next...
View ArticleDynamic Legend widget 3.1.4 and duplicate sublayers
Hi Robert, First off, thanks for the tiled fix in 3.1.3. That is working great. As for this issue, I'm using Dynamic Legend Widget 3.1.4 and TOC 3.1.4 and trying to access ESRI's (type=dynamic) map...
View Articlei_table.png not showing
The i_table.png is not showing up on my web server install - the identify and esearch widgets. It will show in the flashbuilder run. I have checked the assets.image folder and it appears in the src...
View ArticleIdentify Widget version 3.0.2 for FlexViewer 3.0 - Disabling Hyperlink Icons
Thanks for another great widget Robert. I have configured hyperlinks to return the optional icon using: Code: <link includeinresults="false" field="HeaderURI" alias="Click here for Well Report"...
View ArticleIs Map Legend Widget using Rest Legend going to work with AGS 10.1?
Hi, I am currently using the Map Legend Widget using Rest Legend with ArcGIS Server 10 and Flex API 2.4. Before upgrading to ArcGIS Server 10.1 and Flex API 3.1, I want to know if the Map Legend Widget...
View ArticleMapswitcher basemap URL's?
This is probably a simple question, but does anyone know where to find the URLs for all of the Mapswitcher basemaps? All I can find is the sample for 3 of them here:...
View ArticleActive tool ToolTip
On the elevation profile widget example page: , once you select the draw tool, it will show a tooltip style window with the cursor telling you...
View ArticleeSearchWidget hyperlink field order
Hi Robert, This was buried in the old thread. Thought I'd resurrect it in a new one so you can get credit. The fixed DG seems to honor the order of the <fields> in the fixed DG. however, if one...
View ArticleLayerlist not updating
Hi, I have an issue with a session restore widget. The widget is based on a post that Robert did quite a few versions ago. The widget is designed to restore the layers that users had on. At version 3...
View Articleedit widget - 2 different xml settings
I have 2 separate editwidget.xml files with different names. I do this to allow full feature editing in one set of features. The other feature I only want to edit the attributes. I am running into a...
View Articlewidget position in widgetcontainer vertical layout
hi, Is there a way to set widget xy position in widgetcontainer layout ="vertical" because when i open my flexviewer application, widget in widgetcontainer layout ="vertical" open in top position. So...
View ArticleeMap Switcher Widget - change the order of basemaps?
Hi, I have a "deferential" idea how to improve Robert´s eMap Switcher widget (it would be very useful with ability to fade), but it seems I´m not able to make it work, so I´m starting a discussion...
View ArticleLimit Attribute Table widget by Search Widget results
Hello All! Is there a way to limit the features in the 'Attribute Table' widget buy features that are selected through another widget? So say for example I have a Search widget that you can select fire...
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