Please help ... trying to install custom Identify Widget
I am brand new (I am talking yesterday) to Flex application builder, and to ArcGIS Server 10.1 ... just got this up and running the last day or two. I need to know how to install the custom Identify...
View ArticleAdding XY when creating a new feature with Edit Widget
Hi, I am a little new to Flex and trying to flesh everything out. I have implemented the Edit widget on my viewer and was wondering if there was a way to populate and X and Y fields automatically when...
View ArticleAttribute table missing in IE9
The viewer was created with the Flex Viewer Builder. I set up the attribute table to be open when the viewer loads in a browser. The table appears as expected in Chrome and Firefox, but not in Internet...
View ArticleFlex Build 3.1 FlexViewer Map Rotation and Zooming in On Map
I have a FlexViewer 3.1 application that I just recently applied map rotation to in the config file. Before applying the map rotation I was able to zoom in very tightly on the map (Let's say 1:600)...
View ArticleEditing the Locator Widget
I would like to add an example of what people should type into the street box such as "300 E Chapman Ave" so that they type in the correct format to locate the address. On the standard locator widget...
View ArticleGoogle Street View Widget
The widget was working fine but for some reason I am getting this error now: [FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Unable to complete Project operation." faultCode="400" faultDetail="Service...
View ArticleeSearch Tables Robert Scheitlin Issue
Robert, I am trying to search a standalone table using version 3.1.12. The query acts as though it is performed but no results are returned in the floating data grid. When trying the query through the...
View ArticleChange CSV list separator in Attribute Widget
Hello all, I can't seem to change the list separator for the csv export in the attribute widget. It's now "," and i would like to change it to ";" Does anyone know where to look? I'm working with the...
View ArticleeSearch using checkboxes to query results
Hi All - I came across a webpage that is using Robert's eSearch (2.5) widget with additional functionality to search by amenity. Please see attached image and website:...
View ArticleGoogle street viewer for flex api 3.0 widget
Hi, There is issue on the geometry service as following link. Anyone knows we can use this geometry service instead?...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 2.5, Can't get popup to stay up to use Hyperlink
I am using the Enhanced Identify Widget 2.5, compiled version and have it set up so that after a result is returned in the results window, a popup appears and a zoom occurs when you click on the...
View ArticleQuestion about etime widget
Greetings, I modified the etime widget code a little for one behavior-- if the widget is opened and closed, and the user changed layer visibility, the widget open event can not acknowledge this change....
View ArticlePopups not appearing correctly ...
I am having quite a different problem with the popups in 3.1 than I have read elsewhere. When I try to use a dynamic service and assign popups to a sublayer the popups appear in the upper left corner...
View Article2.5 to 3.1 Widget problem
Hello All, I have a geoprocessing widget that I was using in the 2.5 version, worked as expected. However, when I upgraded to v3.1 and moved the xml and mxml file over it had a problem. The Problem:...
View ArticleHeader Controller Widget: tag
The labels child tag <clearfeaturelabel> is referenced in the widget documentation, but the label doesn't appear anywhere in the app either as the default "Clear" or any type of custom text that...
View Article10.1 Services not showing up in my flex viewer 3.0
Hello, I recently switched from arcgis server 10 to 10.1 and so I had to remake the services I use in the flex viewer. After I remade them I expected to be able to add them right back to my config file...
View ArticlePut image into popup
I am a new student to ArcGIS Viewer. I have a hiking map with 13 popular trails listed as points on a map. I can click them and it displays the trail name through the attribute table, but I want a jpeg...
View ArticleCannot add custom widget in Flex Application Builder
Hello, I am trying to add a custom widget in the Flex Application Builder. When adding I receive the following error: "Custom widget import failed: Cannot transfer module and widget files to template...
View ArticleAdjust popup size
I have an image in my popup. How do I adjust the size of the popup to display a larger image. Thank you
View ArticleSearch Widget
Hi, I've field that relate to each other. My question 1. How to make when user pick value in Main Code, the value in Type Code only display a value that relate to Main Code and value in Sub Code only...
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