Popup Config
I am trying to configure feature popups in the Flex viewer. Basically I want the popup to resemble the popups used in ArcGIS Explorer online. Two columns like a table. I have tried standard html code...
View ArticleHow do I put my layers editable?
How do I put my layers editable? I can not use the widget to edit,... the layers are in a dataset in SDE. I'm using version 3. I have a message No editable Layers :( Is configfiguration of Server in...
View ArticlePopupRenderSkin with radio buttons part 2
I have taken the snippets from here: http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/479...d=1#post243845 and am trying to get a radio button on the bottom of my popup window that turns on/off thier respective label...
View ArticleSolution - switching between tiled services in different projections.
Hi everyone, I would like to share with you some thoughts about the topic of this discussion. We had to edit the Flex Viewer source code to enable changing map spatial reference for our project and I...
View ArticleMapServicesWidget for 3.0
Hey guys, I have successfully been using the very useful MapServices widget in my 2.4 viewers. I am migrating to 3.0 at the minute and wondered if anyone knew if there was an upgraded MapServicesWidget...
View ArticleSearch widget
Does the search widget not work well when using an integer field in the expression? I was having some major issues when entering an id that was an integer. When I created a new string field and moved...
View ArticleBasic Search 3.0 returns 500 results ALWAYS!
Hello folks, For the past 6 months or so we've had a basic parcel mapping flex viewer in place. One of the most-used features is the ability to locate a parcel based on street address. This is done via...
View ArticleeSearch Widget on Graphical Search
I want to disable some of the functions on Graphical Search. See the attachment file. I commented out some of the functions but my spatial seach won't function correctly after commented out these...
View ArticleLoad Shapefile for flexviewer 3.0
One our users raised the question if it is possible to upload a shapefile with GPS points into our flexviewer web map. I don't have the right solution. Will one of the existing widget eventual do this....
View Articlewhere is the close icon in the widget window?
i am from China and just begin to learn flexviwer , i user flash builder 4.5. why the popwindow of widget can not be see? how can i do? i try to find answer in baseWidget.as but failed. Attachment...
View ArticleQuestion about editwidget
Is this possible with the editwidget or some other widget: Allow users via the webviewer to click on a feature in a featurelayer and have a popup show the value for a particular field for that featuer...
View ArticleDraw Show Measurements not working
Hello I added the standard Draw & Measure tool to a Flex Viewer application - all worked fine. I then added the Coordinate Menu widget to the site so that I had copy and go to XY options in the...
View ArticleConfused, need suggestions on best way to consume my flex-builder maps
So. I have started working with flex viewer-App builder and have successfully created a few Web Apps that function really well. But now I am confused as to whether or not I am going in the wrong...
View ArticleIdentifyTask and Select By Rectangle
Is it possible to use the Identifytask with a 'Select By Rectangle' tool that would allow an option to select features within the rectangle and not intersecting it?
View Articleprivate vs protected
I'm a big fan of inheritance. It lets you build on someone else's work without needing to clone or fork it, plus you automatically benefit from future fixes and enhancements. Seems perfect for open...
View ArticleAdvanced Print - Map annotation error
Hello I'm running Server v10.1 with the newest Flex Viewer and have followied the online tutorial to configure the Print widget to use my own print geoporcessing service for advanced print/map...
View ArticleApplication running very slow on public side
I have created a Flexviewer application and I am having problems with it rendering very slowly on the public viewing side. Depending on the computer and Internet Speed, it takes up to 30-60 seconds for...
View ArticleFlex Viewer Search Periodically does not Search
Has anybody had a problem with the Flex Viewer Search Widget periodically not working for a short period of time, than continuing to work again? When it does not work, if the search button is clicked,...
View ArticleCreating a hyperlink that will work in the search widget
Hello all, I'm trying to create a hyperlink to a picture of our tax cards. The link is stored in a field in the parcels attribute table and looks like this: <a...
View ArticleEsearch Widget - Popup and Results Window Records
Hi all - Is it possible to show different records in the results and popup windows using the Esearch Widget? I'd like to show just one or two fields in the results window, but then show all 10 fields...
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