Cannot get pop-up with hyperlinked photos to show up in 3.4
I have successfully configured the pop ups for all my layers except the one that has photos. I am not using the AppBuilder. I want to do this using XML, not the AppBuilder. Photo_1 below is the field...
View ArticleEditor widget for community consultation app
I'd like to use the editor widget as part of a web app which will be used for community consultation (basically point feature comments on the proposed development). Is there a best practice design to...
View ArticleWhat is the coordinate system of Bing Maps
Dear All, I am using Bing maps as a base map in flex operation layer have the coordinate system WGS is covering the extent of saudi arabia.But when i put this in flex viewer and run the...
View ArticlePagination in AttributeTableWidget
Hi All, Recently my customer asked to introduce some big layers which produce some big tables in AttributeTableWidget. Since it is very difficult to manage all the data in a flex viewer (very long...
View ArticleEmbedding a Viewer for Flex Map w/n an iFrame
How do you embed a map within an iframe located on a webpage? Recently I have been asked if it was possible to embed a map, created via the Viewer for Flex applciation, into an iFrame. I do not know...
View Articlehow to assign a static extent to map.extent
Hi Everyone, now I'm writing a mouseclickevent , but I don‘t know how to give the map.extent a static value. my code is:map.extent = geo.extent.expand(3); I'm very appreciated for your hlep. Thank ahead.
View ArticleFlexviewer3.4 would like clear result graphic after zoom?
Hi, Can anyone point me to the right direction? I am using a regular search widget 3.4, where do I go about clearing the result graphic polygon layer when I hover over the result, click once to zoom to...
View Article.ZIP file for custom widgets
Hi, I am just starting to use the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. Can someone please tell me from where I can download the .ZIP files for the custom widgets. Many thanks, T
View ArticleEditor widget to add records in a relationship class?
Hi- I have a relationship class set up between two SDE tables. It's a on-to-many, composite relationship. In other words, a single point on the map can have many sampling events associated with it....
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.4.2 - Layer not found in the map
I wiped out all of the default services that were provided as a sample with the widget. I entered a REST url for a service within a Dynamic Map Service and clicked browse. The widget recognized the...
View ArticleWildcards in layerDefinition
I've been working on a widget to allow a user to filter the display of a FeatureLayer by setting a layerDefinition expression in the parent ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer's layerDefinitions property. I'm...
View ArticleLink Widget question
Instead of open new browser window all the time. Is there anyway to use the same child window if one already opened and stay focus when user click on ESRI link for example? I change this on both init...
View ArticleRe: HeaderController Widget Config.
Quote: Originally Posted by conner_justin I'm rebuilding my old Flex Viewer 2.3.1 to the newly minted 3.4 version. I love the new search box! It appears that you can have more than one map service...
View ArticleeLayerList 3.4-Excluding layers
Robert, I am using the 3.4 eLayerList. I have added numerous layers to be "excluded" in the config file for the widget. I am finding that if I remove some layers using the excludelayer tag, the layer...
View ArticleRemove Address Search Box in 3.4 GUI
I cannot find the XML/HTML code string that allows the removal/turning off of the Address Search Box in the 3.4 GUI. Where is it? and can it be "turned off/removed" from the GUI? I am not using the...
View ArticleAttachment Relate Info Widget for 3.4 (quick question)
I am using this widget (InfoTemplate) in 3.0. It works great. Is there a version of this widget for 3.4? If not, what do you recommend for showing hyperlinked photos and specific fields when a point in...
View ArticleMap Grid
Hi, I've been thinking. Is there any way to add a grid all over the basemaps that I choose? thanks.
View ArticleManaging Public/Secure applications
My office is using ArcGIS for Server 10.1 and Flex Viewer 3.4, and a relatively new to both. We have already published a few public and secure map services. And we now would like to build an...
View ArticleCannot get pop-up with hyperlinked photos to show up in 3.4
I have successfully configured the pop ups for all my layers except the one that has photos. I am not using the AppBuilder. I want to do this using XML, not the AppBuilder. Photo_1 below is the field...
View ArticleEditor widget for community consultation app
I'd like to use the editor widget as part of a web app which will be used for community consultation (basically point feature comments on the proposed development). Is there a best practice design to...
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