Flex Viewer 3.0 Query Widget Zoom Scale
the zoom scale doesn't work. when selecting a feature in the query widget it zooms to the lowest zoom level.
View ArticleCan I embed the icons for the navigation widget?
How can I embed the icons for the navigation widget? the config file looks like this, and I'll like to embed the icons in the swf. <?xml version="1.0" ?> <configuration> <panwheel...
View Articleopen multiple widgets
hi everybody. i'm wondering how can i open multiple widgets at the same time. I tried to do what says on this post below but didn't work for me. The code only opens some widgets and at some point the...
View ArticleGeoprocessing - Record Set Hyperlink
Is it possible to have a hyperlink in one of the record set fields returned by a geoprocessing widget? The record set is returned in a datagrid. I was hoping to set the url in table and not the...
View Articlechart widget division operation
Hi guys i have a question. In the chart widget of flex viewer 3.0 it's possible to divide one field with another field of the same services? There is any example to see or any example for implemented...
View Articleerror: popup pie chart and locate widget conflict
Hello, this seems like a strange observation so I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I'm using arcgis viewer for flex and consuming a web map from ArcGIS online. I have a popup configured...
View ArticleAnother question on edit widget
I have setup a feature service to allow editing of a single attribute on specific features and this is working well. Is it possible to select several features at once and change the attribute on all...
View ArticleHow do I change the color of FlexViewer WidgetTemplate title?
How do I change the default yellow color of the FlexViewer's PrintWidget title to a color of my choice? I noticed that WidgetTemplate has a skin part called "header", which is an s:Group that contains...
View ArticleError #2032 outside of network but not in network.
I have created some web services, I have created an Application using the builder tool. When I look at the map on my local machine. I can see the data and all works well. When I use my computer from...
View ArticleAdvanced Draw (3.0) & Print Issues
Thanks to Robert in a different thread I have 'successfuly' incorporated the AdvancedDraw widget into my Flex 3.0 apps. When I add the widget to my app everything 'appears' to work correctly. I can add...
View ArticleIdentify Widget & Select By Rectangle
Is it possible to use the IdentifyTask with a Select By Rectangle tool where it only selects features within the polygon?
View ArticleThe map service can not be loaded in Flex in arcgis 10.0 in Internet
I developed a Webgis using Arcgis server 10.0 for Flex API. The map service (it includes image) can not be loaded in Flex in arcgis 10.0 in Internet, but it can be loaded succesfully in Intranet. The...
View ArticleIdentify Widget version 3.0.1f for FlexViewer 3.0 : Compiler Error 1046.
Hi I am trying to compile Identify widget version 3.0 on flash builder 4.6 . however after adding the identify folder(as down loaded from http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...728c50461a1a89. i...
View ArticleIdentify Widget Problem with ArcGis Online
Hello, Did anyone get beyond this problem? I'm having this issue with "Invalid URL" message using the widget. Oddly enough the enhanced widget works just fine using the same URL in the widget itself....
View ArticleRe: GeoRSS Feed Widget - Does not load RSS feeds other than ESRI's earthquake...
Justin, Are you sure the RSS feed is a GeoRSS feed as looking at the source to the .xml there is no location information. Have a look at this wiki page on GeoRSS: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georss...
View Articleerror: popup pie chart and locate widget conflict
Hello, this seems like a strange observation so I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this. I'm using arcgis viewer for flex and consuming a web map from ArcGIS online. I have a popup configured...
View ArticleAnother question on edit widget
I have setup a feature service to allow editing of a single attribute on specific features and this is working well. Is it possible to select several features at once and change the attribute on all...
View ArticleHow do I change the color of FlexViewer WidgetTemplate title?
How do I change the default yellow color of the FlexViewer's PrintWidget title to a color of my choice? I noticed that WidgetTemplate has a skin part called "header", which is an s:Group that contains...
View ArticleError #2032 outside of network but not in network.
I have created some web services, I have created an Application using the builder tool. When I look at the map on my local machine. I can see the data and all works well. When I use my computer from...
View ArticleAdvanced Draw (3.0) & Print Issues
Thanks to Robert in a different thread I have 'successfuly' incorporated the AdvancedDraw widget into my Flex 3.0 apps. When I add the widget to my app everything 'appears' to work correctly. I can add...
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