Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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Edit Widget that Would Auto-Increment the Unique ID

Hi there, Does anyone know if there is an edit widget out there for ArcGIS Viewer for Flex that would create a new feature with the unique ID automatically incremented (from the last ID number) each...

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eSearch Widget - Search then Join with out "Related records"

I wanted to float something by the community before I set out down this path. My customer has a need to search one non-spacial table and then "ZoomTo" a related record in a spacial table. They don't...

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Edit Widget attachment files portability from server to server?

Hi, We want to start using attachments on a file with the edit widget. The question is, if this file is moved to another server (say during an upgrade), will the attachment files move with it as one...

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Re-sizing the Space Between Items in the Identify Widget (see picture)

Hello, Forgive me if there is an easy fix in the code, but I can't find out where to change the spacing between items in a few of the widgets..most notably the "Identify Widget" - items become bunched...

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add layers features or operational layers

Dear My Friends, How can add layers features or operational layers on the small Screen Viewer in Flex ?? , and how can do it ??? you can see attached to understand my Question.. thanks for helping...

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PopUpRenderer error

Hi everyone, I've just upgraded computers and am now receiving this error on a 3.1 viewer I've been working on. I've looked through several files within FlashBuilder and can not seem to find where this...

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Attribute Table Widget Field sum

Is it possible to add code in Attribute Table widget that when adding a layer, would populate a numerical field by the sum based on multiple records of another field in same layer?

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Print error from sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com

Sampleserver6 is giving this error when attempting to use the print widget: Attachment 32081 Attached Thumbnails  

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Autorefresh Attribute Table Widget

Hello, We have a table that refreshes every 5 minutes, and I would like to push those updates to the user in the attribute table widget so that they data updates while the table is open in the flex...

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Search Widget Case Sensitive For One Layer But Not Another

Making a simple WebMap for users in the company to look at. In the search widget, I added two layers (Leases & Wells). For the lease layer expression, I have; LEASENO like ('%[value]%') or LESSOR...

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trouble adding layer to viewer

This is a pretty basic question, but I'm new to ArcGIS Viewer for Flex so hoping for some guidance. I'm having trouble getting a layer from MarineCadastre.gov to display. The server url is:...

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Current Release list of Widgets

Is there a reference site or document listing all the current releases versions and dates for the widgets offered on Esri and/or GitHub? Most coincide with the Viewer version (3.6 released 12/17/2013),...

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Question for getLocateGra() function in eSearch

When you get the graphic(s) of the eLocate widget, can you use those to do a graphical search with 100 feet buffer? So the current layer will have bigger boundary. Thanks.

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Problem:help,help,help!Arcgis flex api bug in directions modul?please help me!

I use arcgis flex api to develop a function about route direction.everything is ok,but the route isn't along the road,then i debug the code and found this issue: var routeResult:RouteResult =...

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How to make default Pop-up width wider

Trying to make the default pop-up wider - i think i need to edit the PopUp_4.xml file - but am unsure of the code to make it happen. Thanks for any suggestions!

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Running a function in a widget from a child component

I have a widget (widget.mxml). When it loads I have a title window (CustomTitleWindow.mxml) that opens that gives the user two options Yes or No. When they press 'Yes' I want it to run a function...

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Min & Max Instances

Could someone help me understand the need for min and max instances when publishing services? We only have one dedicated GIS Server - but we have quite a few users who will be accessing the data at any...

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Does a Query Widget exist allowing multple queries?

The current standard Query Widget allows a single query. Does anyone know of a widget allowing for more than a single query? Like the Bookmarks widget but with a list of Queries?

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How to make flex viewer print widget can export chinese Title well.nogarbled...

If i use the esri' print services,then can print chinese very well .http://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.co...Map%20Task,But, when i replace it by my service(server default) it print garbled charact,Could...

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Can you copy text input from one Geocoder text to another one?

I create two Geocoder compenent. One use my own geocode locator service and another one use ESRI. See my attachment file. I want to use a text I type in header controller widget and show it on search...

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