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Upgrading widgets for flexviewer 3.0

First a great thanks to Robert Scheitlin and other widget creators for providing and upgrading all those great widgets for use in flexviewer 3.0

1) In the process of migrating our web map apps to 3.0 we are facing a problem with a few of the widgets (Bookmark, TOC and Dynamic Legend) that the vertical scrollbar does not appear when the list is larger than the size of the widget window. We tried to insert <width> and <height> tag in the widget config code. But this doesn't help.

Url to our demo web map: https://unosatgis.cern.ch/WebMap/fle...t/demo/ibdemo/

2) Implementing the Weather Underground Widget we get an error message Error #2036 - we have been following the instruction in the readme file and have used the previous widget in our 2.3 web map apps.

3) Finally, we would encourage re-compilation of the following very useful widgets:
Social Media Widget created by piang,
Enhanced Bookmark Widget created MichaelK
and Elevation Profile Widget created by markdeaton
(markdeaton has provided the source code for the widget, but we don't possess the tools and the skills for re-compiling)

May the above mentioned widgets eventual be included on Robert's list for upgrading and re-compilation - which will be a highly appreciated help for us.

Thanks for any supportive response.

Ivan Baehr
Web GIS Specialist

Changing the Text of the Locate Widget

Hello all,

I'm trying to change the default text of "enter the address" to and actual example say "Please enter an address like 123 North St. Radford VA" I tried adding the tag <addresstitle> to the LocateWidget.xml but I cant get it to actually change in the map. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?


Selected features don't line up with what's on screen

Hello, I'm using flexviewer 3.0, with the Esri aerial basemap (which is the first basemap to get loaded in my config.xml). I am projecting my operational layers on the fly to overlay on the basemap - and I have done this many times before without an issue....but for some reason this time when a feature is selected it does not line up with what is on screen (see attached image). This happens when using the out of the box popup or the eSearch widget.

I'm using my own geometry service, but I also tried the arcgis online url and same issue.
No idea what is going on..
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.jpg‎
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Size:	34.7 KB
ID:	18264  

Legend & Tiled service 3.0

I am upgrading my maps from 2.5 to 3.0 and have a problem with the legend widget. In 2.5 it properly saw the scale of my tiled services and only showed the symbols for the scale of the map. In 3.0 this seems to be broken with tiled services. I also went from ArcServer 10.0 to 10.1. Any suggestions?

Complex labels with ADO connection

Hi all,

I have labels that use a VBScript to query related data from a MS Access database using an ADO connection. The labels don't show up when I publish the map to the web as either an msd or mxd.

Does anyone know offhand if these sorts of labels are supported in ArcServer or the Flax webmap?


Using AGOL organisational basemaps - Issue in Viewer - Bjorn HELP!

Hi There,

We have discovered an issue in the Flex Viewer - v 3.0.

Basic version - we cannot display webmaps from an AGOL organisational account in the viewer in the basemap gallery - where you have changed the basemap group from the default Esri ones. Can we use our own webmaps from our AGOL account?

Long version
If you want to consume a web map from your AGOL organisational account, if you choose to add arcgisonline basemaps you only get the basemaps from the Esri group - not from any customised basemap groups you may have set. The issue is in protected function portal_loadedHandler(event:PortalEvent):void in PortalBasemapAppender.as where it sets the query to title:"ArcGIS Online Basemaps" AND owner:esri_en and there is no option to set this to your own organisation or groups. If you change this to be your organisation you can get your basemaps (which may or may not be webmaps) back, but then there is an issue with private function createBasemapLayerObject(itemData:Object, item:PortalItem):void - this method creates xml for comparison to add to the basemaps on the map. However it compares the Portal Item title with the basemap in the item title - which may be 2 different things. This means that the nested for loop in private function addBasemapsInOrder():void is never true and the maps don't get added to the basemaps collection; as the portal item title may never be the first basemap title. Now we can change all this by resetting the query and then changing how the layer xml is created, and this will add our organisations basemaps into the viewer. But then this breaks all the AGOL default ones as the control doesn't know how to handle them.


Print on multiple pages

Hi all,
'm successfully using last version of advanced print widget, but now I need to print legend separately on a second page because of it is too large and covers the map. Can you help me? Thanks in advance. Teresa

Editing Widget (Labels not working on feature layers...)


I have a web map created to edit a point feature layer. The .msd is created to show labels but the labels do not show up in the web map. Does anyone know how to make labels show up for feature services that are edited by the flex viewer application??


Is it possible to have popups ignore double-click

using FV3. When you double-click on the map (with tiled basemaps), it will zoom to the next LOD. However, if you happen to double-click on a feature that has a popup configured for it, it will select the feature, and give you the popup infowindow, but does not zoom. Is it possible to have to have the popup "wait" to see if it is a single vs. double click, and if double click, ignore popup and zoom, but single click get info?

Users get used to the double-click to navigate. However, it gets "confusing" to some of them when I have a layer with features that cover the entire map (vegetation coverage for example). There is no where on the map they can double-click without hitting a popup feature, so they thing the zoom isn't working.

Thanks for any advice and/or info,


Route: images for turn-by-turn directions?

In addition to the overall route map, I would like to include a map image for each direction returned from RouteTask, but don't see a RouteParameter that meets that criteria. Each step in the directions is returned as text, but I would also like to also include an image for each step. Is it possible to do this?
Thanks for your help!

eSearch buffer issue

Using AGS server 10.1 (recently installed yet still fixing issues) and FlexViewer 3.0, I found that the buffer function in eSearch is not working for me. The graphic never gets created and therefore nothing is then selected by it.

What might the issue be? I'm having issues with accessing the server directories (such as arcgisoutput)...are these used by the widget? If so then I know the problem but if it's not that then I'm unsure where else to look.

I'm not sure what other details you may need...


Turn off Basemaps

I have placed some basemaps on my maps as an option for the user, using MapSwitcher widget. However, they cannot get the basemap to turn-off when they still want to look at the data, but not have the basemap display. How can this be done? I am using the compiled format.

Change map spatail reference - problem with my service

I've made some changes in MapManager.mxml so now when i load my basemap which is in wkid=2180, map.spatialReference changes.

//MapManager.mxml line 1405
        var pol92:Number = 2180;
        var webMercator:Number = 102100;
        if (selectedLabel == "MyService")
                if(map.spatialReference.wkid == webMercator)
                        map.spatialReference.wkid = pol92;
                        Compass.visible = true;
                        map.lods = Compass.tileInfo.lods;
        else if(selectedLabel != "MyService" && map.spatialReference.wkid == pol92)
                map.spatialReference.wkid = webMercator;
                map.lods = layers[i].tileInfo.lods;
                layer.visible = true;
                map.lods = layers[i].tileInfo.lods;
                layer.visible = true;

So now it changes my map spatial reference(see attachments) but still my map lands close to Africa not in Poland where it should land. Anyone got idea what I can do? The other problem is when i try to load operational layers in wkid=2180 some error occur.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	webmercator.png‎
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Size:	580.1 KB
ID:	18355   Click image for larger version

Name:	poland92.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	441.3 KB
ID:	18356   Click image for larger version

Name:	whereMyServIs.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	56.8 KB
ID:	18357   Click image for larger version

Name:	error.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	51.3 KB
ID:	18358  

eSearch 3.0.10 - spatialreference

I have the latest eSearch setup and everything works except the spatial search. At first, the buffer would not even be created, then I changed the <spatialreference> from the default 102003 to 102100 and then the buffer gets created. But, when I then try to "Search entities of" the tool will error out.

I am using Esri aerial as the first basemap loaded in my map, and I have my operational layers being projected on the fly from NAD83 UTM Zone20N to Web Mercator (WGS 1984 Web Mercator auxillary sphere). I noticed that when I had some features selected on the map they were not lining up exactly with what was shown on the map - then I applied the NAD83_To_WGS84_5 datum transformation and now they line up.

But, the question remains, my spatial search will buffer but will not 'Search entities of'.

Thanks for any help!!!

Photo-image in Flex 3.0


I have downloaded the AttRelateInfoWin 3.0. I would like to know if there's a way to show photos (originally attached in arcMap via attachment manager) with this widget. If you have any answer to it or maybe a solution, feel free to tell!


Custom Find Place in HeaderControllerWidget FlexViewer 3.0

Hi guys,
i'm trying to change the general layout of the viewer.
I saw the custom header controller widget of GoElectric demo and the find place is fantastic.
There is any code example to implemented the flexviewer 3.0 with find place positioned in the bar HeaderContrellerWidget?
Any help good
Thanks guys

Popup Images


I'm using the QueryWidget and when I click on a feature, the popup window displays an image. However, the images I am linking to are updated frequently but they don't seem to refresh in the popup window after I click on the feature again. The image names are constant and I can see that the images have indeed been updated in the directory.

I've added a refreshrate value to the QueryWidget hoping that it would force the widget to re-create all the links again but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm thinking this is a caching issue...

Any help would be appreciated.


Required fields with Editing widget


Is it possible to make "required fields" when adding features with the editing widget?


customizing the Link Widget, having some issues

I've got a widget that is specifically intended to, when clicked, zoom the map view to a specified extent that relates to the boundary of a park.

For example, when first launched, the viewer zooms to a particular extent related to the detailed feature that was selected by the user on the previous web page. Then, if the user wants to view the entire park (such as to see the entire park and all features included within the park boundary), the "Zoom to Park" Widget (aka Link Widget) button takes the Park Code (bolded/underlined in the URL below) as it relates to the current mapped feature, and zooms the map to the extent of the particular park.

This widget worked in the previous viewer, as is, but when I brought it into the updated viewer (Flex 3.0) it no longer works. (see image).
Attachment 18367

What it does is "reload" the header bar on top of the eSearch datagrid, then shifts the new header and the two open widget windows slightly to the right and slightly off-screen (and in Fiddler, when this button is clicked, there are no http requests reported)...it's so strange and I can't figure out why there's this odd behavior. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm certain there is something I am missing, but I don't know where to start to look for what the issue is. I can't see that there are any Flex API changes that should affect this widget, but I could be (or likely am) wrong about this.

Widget (mxml) code if it'll help. The config for the widget has only the url in it, as required. Again, this widget works perfectly (as is) in the Viewer built on Flex 2.5, but not the new Flex 3.0.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<viewer:BaseWidget xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                        import com.esri.viewer.AppEvent;
                        import com.esri.viewer.ViewerContainer;
                        import com.esri.viewer.WidgetStates;
                        import flash.net.URLRequest;
                        import flash.net.URLVariables;
                        private var linkURL:String;
                        import Globals;
                        private function init():void
                                if (configXML)
                                        linkURL = configXML.linkurl;
                                        var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(linkURL);
                                        var urlVars:URLVariables = new URLVariables; //("Unit_Code")
                                        urlVars.parkNames = Globals.Unit_Code;
                                        request.data = urlVars;
                                        request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                                        trace(request.url + " and " + request.data);
                                AppEvent.addListener(AppEvent.WIDGET_RUN, checkIfLinkWidget);
                                //ViewerContainer.addEventListener(AppEvent.WIDGET_RUN, checkIfLinkWidget);
                        private function checkIfLinkWidget(aEvent:AppEvent):void
                                if(aEvent.data == widgetId)
                                        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(linkURL));

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	10-11-2012 11-46-13 AM.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	98.1 KB
ID:	18367  

Robert's Parcel Search reports...

Robert, I'm creeping on your Calhoun county Flex Viewer, and see that you are generating reports from a selected parcel that includes the map selection, and data-driven table. Can you expose or at least explain the mechanisms you are using to generate these reports?
Its obviously not an ArcGIS GP Print function.
Are you generating these witha .NET call to the server and then populating HTML? and then embedding the CDATA back into a widget? If so, are you using the JSON to bring in the map "screen shot"
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