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error #1010 - graphical search on esearch widget

I keep getting error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties message when using graphical search on esearch widget. No problem on text search at all and work ok on previous version 3.0x. In order to able to use graphical search, I have to set spatialsearchlayer to true. Do you know why?
See below for my xml file:
<expression alias="Subdivision" textsearchlabel="Search Subdivision by">
<value prompt="[Example: Sunset]" isvaluerequired="false">Lower(SUB_NAME) LIKE ('%[value]%')</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Subdivision</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="SUB_NAME" alias="Subdivision Name" gridfield="true"/>
<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="2"></zoomscale>
<simplefillsymbol color="0x0000ff" alpha="0">
<outline color="0x00ffff" alpha="0.8" width="2" />

TypeError: Error #1034 #2007 : Type Coercion failed......

Now and then in debugger mode, it will start adding the following errors:


warning: The class widgets.TOC.toc.tocClasses.LegendSymbolItem has been used in a call to net.registerClassAlias() in _TOCWidget_FlexInit. This will cause widgets.TOC:TOCWidget to be leaked. To resolve the leak, define widgets.TOC.toc.tocClasses.LegendSymbolItem in the top-level application. 
[SWF] /fv31/widgets/LayerList/LayerListWidget.swf - 399,490 bytes after decompression
[SWF] /fv31/widgets/TOC/assets/images/loader.swf - 941 bytes after decompression
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@eae09b9 to flash.geom.Transform.
TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@eae0251 to flash.media.SoundTransform.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert Object@eae09b9 to flash.geom.Transform.

in the Console window but does not give a clue as to the file/location of the code that isn't getting along. Any idea how to figure out what is causing this, and where to find it?


LegendWidget Size (Compiled Flex 3.1)

Can the Legend length be modified? I would like to have the legend longer (vertical) by default.

Flexviewer 3.1, Widget tool, LegendWidget


Domain values - Design

We have a number of domain values in our application. Would it be better to bring these domain values(in a relational table) from the serverside code into the Flex application rather than having these domain values in the Feature class. so that any changes to the domain values can be easily applied thru sql's rather than having to manage them thru ARCGis desktop. would like to hear your suggestions or comments.

Annotation Layers, crazy behavior.

I have read a number of threads regarding annotation layers displaying oddly in the FlexViewer. This is another.

I have a Map Service which contains a lot of layers (>100), a large number of which are annotation (>15). The layers of the Map Service have been grouped into a number of logical groupings.

Having added the entire map service as an Operational Layer within App Builder the service just looks wrong. A number of annotation layers which are not by default visible are visible. It looks completely different to how it looks in the mxd. When the service is viewed via the Javascript API is looks as expected.

When normal layers are turned on/off via the LayerList widget other completely unrelated annotation layers turn themselves off/on. When annotations get turned off in this scenario red boxes get left behind where the annotation previously was.

There seems to be some relationship between the order that a layer appears within a group to which annotation layer it affects.

I have tested this in FlexViewer 3.0 and 3.1.

The underlying data is held in an FGDB having been exported from an Oracle database.

High Quality Printing in FlexViewer 3.1

Trying to implement high quality printing with limited success.

1. The legend is pixelated to the point of not being usable. I have looked for and found no way of overcoming this. Any suggestions?

2. The widget allows one to create layout templates into which your map will be inserted. However, higher res output is only supported for dynamic layers. I was hoping that there would be an option to redirect input for tiled layers to the source map service. It appears from the arcpy.mapping samples that this is possible and I was able to et one to work. However, I do not know how to replicate the functionality of the widget in this context. Put more plainly - the use will have one of several tiled base maps visible (all local so that the underling data is available) as well as any number of dynamic layers. I want all of this to be printed from an arcpy script so as to create high res output. Has anyone been able to do this? If so, then could you please share your code?


Keith Gerhartz
City of Winter Park, FL

Why indexOf only works some times

I am trying to get the indexOf value from an array that is populated from an XMLList

With the following code:


                        private var excludeLayers:Array;
                        private var exclude:Boolean = false;

                                        excludeLayers = [];
                                        var elyrList:XMLList = configXML..excludelayer;
                                        for (var el:int = 0; el < elyrList.length(); el++) {

                                                      trace("excludeLayers Array:", excludeLayers);
                                                      trace("indexOf layer :", excludeLayers.indexOf("Hanford"));

I will get the following trace results:

excludeLayers Array: Transition Areas,Elevation,Hanford,Infrastructure,Buildings
indexOf layer : -1

However, if I hard code the Array values:


                        private var excludeLayers:Array;
                        private var exclude:Boolean = false;

                                        excludeLayers = ["Transition Areas","Elevation","Hanford","Infrastructure","Buildings"];

                          trace("excludeLayers Array:", excludeLayers);                         
                          trace("indexOf layer :", excludeLayers.indexOf("Hanford"));

I will get the following trace results:

excludeLayers Array: Transition Areas,Elevation,Hanford,Infrastructure,Buildings
indexOf layer : 2

So, for some reason, it is not working as hoped unless I hard code the array values and not if I populate it from my XMLList. Thought it might have something to do with quotes (as I need the quotes to hard code since there are spaces), but have tried adding quotes to no avail.
However, if I iterate through the array and compare to the list of operational layer names, the matching values show as equal so not sure whey they are not equal in the indexOf test.

In any case, does what I doing wrong happen to jump out at anybody that could maybe point me in the right direction?


Suggestions for Learning How to Build Custom Widgets


I would like to learn how to build custom widgets for the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex application.

I know there are numerous resources out there, however I would like to know which ones come highly recommended from the GIS community.

Any assistance would be great.

Thanks in advance,


FV 3.1 automatic map attribution data

Was noticing this new feature of the FV.

■Automatic map attribution displays the map copyrights at the bottom of the map. If it is long, it will end with "..." and can be clicked to see the full attribution (copyrights).

I like the info showing, but it is appending information onto the descriptions I have in the service. It is appending our company name and a pipe (|) in front of the actual text from the credits box regardless of where the data comes from.

Wondering where it is getting this extra information from so that I can remove it, otherwise, it tries to give us credit for "any" basemaps.


Headercontroller Logo size

Hi All,

Looks like there is enough difference in the headercontroller that my logo size is not being honored anymore.

How does one change the size of the logo.png image on the left of the headercontroller?

Thanks again,


Going Mobile???

I may get flamed for this but....I know that my flex map won't work on mobile devices due to flash, but what solutions are there to putting my map on mobile devices. ARCRuntime SDK just handles individual apps or widget-type functions to a map that is already mobile. I am having trouble understanding the variety of extentions and what they do....any help????

Compatibility with SDE 9.3?

Can features stored in a 9.3 SDE database be edited through a ArcServer 10.1 feature access service? I am using an out of the box application built with Flex Viewer 3.1.

More... button

Is it possible to rename this button?

Thanks in advance!


Help with AGOL and Flex Viewer

I have been fooling around with ArGIS On-line and I've run into some dead ends, I think. I suppose in AGOL I can't sync the mouse movement with the data to perform a "mouse over"? Not sure if that is the right term - - when you move your mouse over a feature and information about that feature pops up without actually having to click the feature? Am I correct in thinking it is not possible to do this in AGOL?

I have also been playing with ArcGIS Viewer for Flex but I am so confused about adding my own operational layers (I guess I can convert the shapefiles from ArcMap to map services and then open them up that way by inserting the mapserver URL in the config.xml). Problem is I can't access this REST endpoint to reference my service URL. It's just not there on my machine. I read last night that I need to have ArcGIS Server to do this? Is that correct? If I don't need Server, does anyone want to tell me how to do this step by step. I am not finding any clear web sites to instruct me on how to do this.


Map switcher widget not displaying

I've been working on a Flex Viewer all day with no troubles with the map switcher widget but clearly I've done something to make it disappear and can't figure out what.

I'm using the Application Builder as well as manually editing the config.xml to get it like I want it. The check mark in the AB for "Add Portal for ArcGIS Basemaps" is checked. I have included both basemaps and operational layers but the widget does not display either the "Basemaps" button or the "More" button.

Here is the relevant section from config.xml:

<widget url="widgets/MapSwitcher/MapSwitcherWidget.swf" config="widgets/MapSwitcher/MapSwitcherWidget.xml" label="Map Switcher" icon="assets/images/i_globe.png" right="20" top="55"/>
    <map attributionvisible="true" esrilogovisible="true" openhandcursorvisible="false" scalebarvisible="true" scalebar="default" zoomslidervisible="false" wraparound180="true" addarcgisbasemaps="true" initialextent="-9355402.291706543 4294366.250578298 -8319527.6843861155 4881402.627808294" wkid="102100" top="40" portalurl="https://www.arcgis.com">
            <layer type="dynamic" label="Virginia Counties" icon="assets/images/virginia_counties.jpg" imageformat="png8" url="http://websde/arcgis/rest/services/FlexServices/VGIN_BaseMapCounty/MapServer" visible="true"/>
            <layer type="dynamic" label="Karst Features" imageformat="png8" url="http://websde/arcgis/rest/services/Geology_Resources/VAKarstFeatures/MapServer" visible="false">
                <sublayer id="0" popupconfig="popups/PopUp_1.xml"/>
            <layer type="dynamic" label="Water Wells" imageformat="png8" url="http://websde/arcgis/rest/services/Geology_Resources/VirginiaWaterWells_WMS/MapServer" visible="false">
                <sublayer id="2" popupconfig="popups/PopUp_2.xml"/>
            <layer type="dynamic" label="Geology" alpha="0.5" imageformat="png8" url="http://websde/arcgis/rest/services/Geology_Resources/Geology_WMS/MapServer" visible="true"/>

WMS through ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.1 doesn't work

Sorry, I'm new to the flex viewer. I have been having a lot of problems getting our WMS hooked up to our Flex Viewer. Here is where our WMS is located online:


And here is the web map:


If you go to the web map, you'll see in the layers widget, it recognizes my WMS layer (CC_WMS) but it doesn't show up. Right above my CC_WMS layer, you'll also see a NRCan layer and if you zoom out to where you can see Canada it show up just fine.

I've gone to my configuration file within the webmap, inserted my WMS information exactly the same as the NRCan layer, that works, and my CC_WMS layer still doesn't work. Below is how I've set up my config.xml file:

<layer url="http://imagery.carbon.utah.gov/latlonghistorical" label="CC_WMS" wkid="102100" visible="true" type="wms" visiblelayers="2011_High Resolution Aerial" version="1.1.0" skipgetcapabilities="true"/>

<layer url="http://wms.ess-ws.nrcan.gc.ca/wms/toporama_en" label="NRCan" wkid="900913" visible="true" type="wms" visiblelayers="limits" version="1.1.1" skipgetcapabilities="true"/>

I've tried putting the WMS in as a basemap layer and as an operational layer. Not sure where it should go as well.

Any help would be great thanks!

Jordan Behunin

Adding Text Variables to Image Objects

With the widget that I'm using, I have enabled it to add selected images to the graphics layer. I want to however improve it slightly by assigning each individual image which is plotted to the map its own independent variables. The only problem is that I dont know how to do this. Is this possible or has someone managed to implement something similar? Any help would be appreciated thanks

Editing a map service with a large number of point.


I have to let user edit a map service with trees. There are approximatly 16.000 points in my shapefile.

When i change de maximum number of records ( 1000 -> 16000) i can see all of them, but it is very slow to display them.

Is there anybody that have a "solution" for this?

Thanks in advance.


How to retrieve the stored token from default Identity Manager Class?

I want to use the token that is generated when a user inputs their username and password into the default signInWindow class upon accessing a secure layer.

In my ViewerContainer.mxml, I have left the Identity Manager enabled (the default).

IdentityManager.instance.enabled = true;
Therefore, when a secure layer is loaded as an operational layer in the config.xml and no token value is provided, the user will be prompted to enter a username and password. After inputting the password, the Flex API V3.1 BaseTask.as seems to generate a token using those input credentials. This token is then stored somewhere for the duration of the short-term token limit (default of 60 minutes I think).

I can't figure out how to access this token to use it in custom widgets on the secure layers. I have seen all of the functionals like findCredential and similar found in the Identity Manager Class (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/...nInWindowClass), but can't seem to retrieve the token.

If I could actually see the Flex API source code, then I could likely figure this one out, but I don't think the source code for the Esri Flex API is publicly available. It looks like what I'm trying to do is pretty easy in the Javascript API because they store the token in an easily accessible place in esri.id[credentials].

How do I retrieve the token from the API?

And if this is not possible, would anyone have an idea on a workaround?

Widget Customizing

Hello All!

So I am new to the Viewer for Flex. I have found a handful of different customized widgets. I am curious about altering widgets to fit my person needs. Can I simply use an advanced text editor to change the .xml file or do I need to use another program to build, compile, etc? Thanks in advance for any responses.

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