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Invalid Tokens message on a couple of machines

I'm accessing a 3rd party dataset which requires tokens via SLV 2.5. All machines that access this data work just fine, except for 2. The 3rd party is running 10.1 server.

These 2 machines are consistently providing an Invalid Tokens error message (error 498) for each services from this 3rd party.

It doesn't seem to be browser specific, and all machines (working and not-working) are accessing the code referencing these services at the same location on IIS. Cache is cleared on each machine as well.

I'm puzzled as all machines are using same code, and just 2 are producing errors, whether is IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Bing Maps for the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex

Is anyone utilizing the extended features of Bing Maps in the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex? One of the extended features I'm interested in are searching for nearby attractions (hotels, restaurants).

Thanks in advance,

Mark Hanway

install flexviewer on a hosting company's web server?

Hi There,

Pretty much what the title says . . .

I don't have any in house gis/web servers . . . Can flex viewer be installed on the web server that is hosting my website? eg godaddy.com, justhost.com . . .

if so any supporting documentation would help . . .

if not, is there a way to create a flex viewer application without an inhouse arcserver or iis setup? or what might you suggest as a good alternative?


Compiled Widget to Find Street Intersection

To All Flex Viewer Users:

Is there a compiled widget out there that would allow the user to enter 2 street names and the widget would zoom into the intersection of these streets?

Edited features invisible with Edit Widget

I recently started using the Edit Widget. FlexViewer 3.0 SDK 4.6.

I can successfully get the widget working, and even edit the data in the FV app. Edits get saved back to the feature class and the data is updated properly. However, once I make an edit with the edit widget (geometry, attributes, add feature), I can no longer "see" the edited feature in the FV. i can select it with the edit widget, get attributes once it's selected, but once I remove the selection, it is invisible (it is there, but no color).

If I load the data into ArcMap, ALL the changes/updates are there, just doesn't show modified features on the FV map anymore. I have re-published the service, cleared my REST and IE cache, even made a copy of the data and re-created the service from this new "copy". Deleted the old service, cleared REST cache, re-created the service. Even create a service with a different name and it still behaves this way. Still no joy. Lines are there, they just won't display. re-built my feature templates in the mxd thinking that might help, nope.

However, if I load the same featureservice into a different FV map, it displays just fine.

Am I just missing something here? Is there some extra SDE step that needs to happen before the FV app that edited it can see it or what?



Advanced Draw - incorporate into 3.0 flexViewer

Hi guys,

Hopefully someone can help me out...

I am currently trying to integrate the Advanced Draw Widget v2.4 (http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html...3b7870acb9953f) into the v3.0 flexViewer.

I have tested out the new eDraw widget for v3.0 but the previous Advanced Draw is more suitable for our needs, as it allows us to include useful templates.

I have a coding question relating to a change from 2.5 to 3.0 - specifically to do with the change to the TextSymbol constructor:
"The TextSymbol constructor now takes an alpha value as its fourth parameter. If you were using the TextSymbol constructor with more than three parameters, you need to adjust accordingly."

Therefore the current code is giving me a couple of errors. The current lines are:

sym = _graphic.symbol as TextSymbol;
newSym = new TextSymbol(this.text,sym.htmlText,sym.color,sym.border,sym.borderColor,sym.background,sym.backgroundColor);

and this couses two errors:

1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Boolean to an unrelated type Number.
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Boolean to an unrelated type uint.

If i limit the TextSymbol method to only include the first 3 parameters, the errors disappear, but the functionality is broken; when crawing polygons or line graphics, no measurement labels for area and length are visible.

I would be grateful if anyone has come across this and updated the code..?

Kind Regards,


Increase size of edit widget on load

I want to modify the size of the edit widget when I start it up as I have many layers to edit.
Where can I do that in the code?

Identify Widget returns "Invalid url" in Popup


John, "Invalid URL" tells me that you have an issue with the url path that you entered into the main config.xml not matching the actual location of the files. You will be much better off post a question to the Flex Viewer forum as these comment areas are not designed to in depth discussions. http://forums.arcgis.com/forums/111-...iewer-for-Flex Robert


Thank you for directing me to this forum, as a neophyte to flex viewer I can use all the help I can get. I looked at my config.xml and urls were as follows:

<widget url="widgets/Identify/IdentifyWidget.swf" config="widgets/Identify/IdentifyWidget_1.xml" label="Identify Widget" icon="widgets/Identify/assets/images/i_info.png"/>

<layer url="https://services1.arcgis.com/EwsKJe8mKvE7OadU/arcgis/rest/services/V2V/FeatureServer/0" label="Towers" icon="https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/600feb3d3e58451f82a2cb1d61a28a28/info/thumbnail/thumbnail.png?token=0xF1JZMDYinDNTlT%2DQK0mINbmrTgMIb6%5F%5FPYIvwKPRkZZxtiII4rQL1SRPY70NkvsZ2K361VGoWghP%2DiULTcGqdpsFFX2Yb6S9AFGmtVLVg%2E" visible="true" type="feature"/>

Are you referring to the difference in url for the widget and the data layer? I only have access to an organizational account on arcgis online, I do not have arcgis for server. Will this tool work with this limitation? Is there a work-around?

Anybody with helpful information feel free to send in your answers.


Print Widget & Draw


I'm running ArcGIS Server 10.1 and have built a website using the Flex Viewer application.

I've added the print widget and directed it to my own geoprocessing service that points to 4 custom templates on my server.

I have 2 questions/oddities:

1) I've only got 4 custom templates and I don't want MAP_ONLY as an option - how do I get rid of it. It added itself to the list when publishing the service but I unticked it - yet when you go to the website tool it still appears at the bottom of the list! Most annoying!

2) If I add graphics to the map via draw and measure then try to print, the map that is produced is one solid colour! If I remove the graphics the map generates fine. Anyone else come across this?


esearch widget(v3.0.9) error 1009 - FV 3.0

If you use the select by rectangle graphical search tool on a point coverage where the points are on top of each other I get an 1009 error. If the points are close together the number of selected features are returned just fine. The records are return and displayed in the both the fixed results window and the search window but the 1009 error shows in the enhanced search window where the “features selected:” is displayed. The esearch widget (v2.4.0.13) works fine with ArcGIS Server 10.0.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	error1009.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	216.8 KB
ID:	18500  
Attached Files

Webmap Gallery for Flex - How do YOU share your webmap URLs within your organization?

Hi Everyone,

I was curious how everyone shares their webmap urls with their organization. I know that ESRI provides ArcGIS Portal, and they have a map gallery that uses ArcGIS Online.

Are their any web based templates out there for organizing and sharing flex based web mapping applications? I'm not an expert in HTML, so I'm looking to reducing coding on my part as much as possible. Also, due to data restrictions, our company does not use ArcGIS online for anything, so this isn't an option.

Thanks in advance,


Reload all operational layers - is it possible?

Hi, quick question.
I want to reload all operational layers and widgets that uses them after i switch my basemaps. I need this because I have basemaps in 102100 and 2180 spatial ref. When I switch the basemap for layer with different WKID, map.spatialreference changes(thanks to some coding) but then i get an error when i want to turn on an operational layer.

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
        at com.esri.ags.layers::ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer/loadMapImage()[C:\checkout\flex_api3\api\src\com\esri\ags\layers\ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.as:1196]
        at com.esri.ags.layers::DynamicMapServiceLayer/updateLayer()[C:\checkout\flex_api3\api\src\com\esri\ags\layers\DynamicMapServiceLayer.as:128]
        at com.esri.ags.layers::Layer/updateLayerIfInvalid()[C:\checkout\flex_api3\api\src\com\esri\ags\layers\Layer.as:504]
        at com.esri.ags.layers::Layer/updateDisplayList()[C:\checkout\flex_api3\api\src\com\esri\ags\layers\Layer.as:440]
        at mx.core::UIComponent/validateDisplayList()
        at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateDisplayList()
        at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()
        at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()

Anyone got idea how to handle this?

The"google routing" widget can not show route graphically

I,m using "google routing" widget but it just return time and address table and can not show route graphically on the base map. what is wrong in my flex viewer 3?

Rout widget

I,m using rout widget that is wrote by rscheitlin , but I encounter these problems whith this widget:

1- when I click on the map for adding stop, it return this error:
Cannot perform query. Invalid query parameters.

Unable to find address for the specified location.

2-when I zoom on the map in 1:50000 scale I can add stop point but it can not solve the rout and never return any address.

Population Summary

How do I go about creating something like the population summary geoprocessing tool? I'm not new to ArcGIS but I don't use the toolbox or the model builder much at all. I woudl like to create a geoprocessing tool that just sums up a bunch of values inside the table. It would be nice if the widget were generic so that I could do the following by just putting the right data into the .xml file.

1.) Service layer path needed from arcgis server.
2.) The fields to post to the datatable.
3.) Be able to export or print that data table.

Is their a widget out there already that does this or how do I go about creating what I think would be a simple widget for most but difficult for me. Can someone at least lead me in the right direction on how to do this?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Security enabled layer

I have 5 map services that one map service has security and this layer is off by default and other layers have not security and they are on by default. When I run flex viewer 3 for first time the authentication page appear for log in to security enabled map service. I don't know is it possible that when user going to turn on that security enabled service, the authentication page appear. if user don't turn on that layer the authentication page don't appear. I mean authentication page appear if need( if layer should turn on the authentication page appear).

WMS over HTTPS in ActionScript

Hello, I'm trying to access a WMS that works fine in browser, but is giving me problems in flexviewer.

The error is:

Error: Request for resource at https://..... by requestor from http://localhost:8080/... is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.

I have the layer defined as:

<layer label="sec" type="dynamic" visible="true" url="https://..." skipGetCapabilities="true" />

I've done plenty of searching and can't find a fix. Does anyone have any ideas for what I can do?

I'm incredibly grateful.

edit: I should say later I'm going to be adding the layer in actionscript, but right now I can't even get it to display when I create layer in xml.

Individual layer symbology problem with eSearch widget 3.010

Hey everyone.

I know I must have a simple syntax error, but I just can't figure it out. I am running Robert Scheitlin's excellent eSearch widget on a beta site, here. The widget is labeled "Search HPO Data" and is the first icon - the red arrow - in the toolbar.

The widget is working fine, except the individual layer symbology is not displaying. I have followed Robert's XML Configuration PDF and thought that I placed the <symbols> code in the correct places for this to work.

My file has another <symbols> code at the end, which makes the red arrow appear for all search types. If I comment this out, I get a syntax error message: "A problem occurred while parsing the configuration file widgets/eSearch/eSearchWidget_AllLayers.xml
Error #1085"

If you look at the second tool in the toolbar ("Searches"), you'll see the icons that should display. The image files are all in the correct folder.

What did I get wrong?


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- See Enhanced Search Widget XML Configuration.pdf for detailed explanation -->
                        <name>All designated resources</name>
                                <expression alias="ALLsearch" textsearchlabel="Search NR, SL, and DOE resources using multiple attributes"  isvaluerequired="false">
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter site name.  Example: Church"  isvaluerequired="false">SITE_NAME LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter site ID.  Example: DH0001"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">SITE_ID LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter year designated.  Example: 2001"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">YearListed LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Pick county from the list below."  userlist="Alamance, Alexander, Alleghany, Anson, Ashe, Avery, Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Camden, Carteret, Caswell, Catawba, Chatham, Cherokee, Chowan, Clay, Cleveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Currituck, Dare, Davidson, Davie, Duplin, Durham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Franklin, Gaston, Gates, Graham, Granville, Greene, Guilford, Halifax, Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, Hertford, Hoke, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, Jones, Lee, Lenoir, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Martin, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Montgomery, Moore, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Pender, Perquimans, Person, Pitt, Polk, Randolph, Richmond, Robeson, Rockingham, Rowan, Rutherford, Sampson, Scotland, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Tyrrell, Union, Vance, Wake, Warren, Washington, Watauga, Wayne, Wilkes, Wilson, Yadkin, Yancey"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">County = '[value]'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter descriptive term.  Example: Queen Anne, or 1889"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">DESCRIPTIO LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter note.  Example: moved"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">NOTES LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Below, enter quad name.  Example: South"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">QUAD_NAME LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
                                                <value prompt="Pick status" userlist="NRD, NRHD, SLDOE"  isvaluerequired="false" operator="AND">STATUS = '[value]'</value>
                        <graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select a Parcel</graphicalsearchlabel>
                        <fields all="false">
                                <field name="SITE_NAME" alias="Site Name" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="SITE_ID" alias="Site ID" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="County" alias="County" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="DESCRIPTIO" alias="Description" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="YearListed" alias="Year Listed" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="YearSL" alias="Year SL" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="YearDOE" alias="Year DOE" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="NOTES" alias="Notes" gridfield="true" />
                                <field name="Status" alias="Status" gridfield="false" />
                                <field name="QUAD_NAME" alias="Quad Name" gridfield="true" />
                                <!-- field name="LinkPath" gridfield="true" / -->
                                <field name="LocalLink" alias="Local Info" hyperlinkgridfield="true" visible="false" />
                                        <!-- hyperlinkaliastext="Click to view local info" -->
                                <link alias="View the NR nomination form">
                                <link alias="View local information">
                        <zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />
                        <relates />

                                <simplefillsymbol color="0xff0000" alpha="0.5">
                                        <outline color="0xff0000" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
                                <!-- You can have one or the other, either simplemarkersymbol or picturemarkersymbol
                                        defined for your point results NOT BOTH. picturemarkersymbol will override simplemarkersymbol
                                        if you do not have it commented out. -->
                                <!-- <simplemarkersymbol style="square" size="12" color="0xff0000" alpha="0.5" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
                                        <outline style="solid" color="0x000000" alpha="1" width="1"/>
                                </simplemarkersymbol> -->
                                <picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/ALLsearch-45.png" height="30" width="30" xoffset="-20" yoffset="20" />
                                <simplelinesymbol color="0xff0000" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>

                <!-- Additional layers in the file following the same order. 
                    I've edited them out to fit the 10,000 character limit to ArcGIS forum posts -->



                                <simplefillsymbol color="0xff0000" alpha="0.5">
                                        <outline color="0xff0000" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>
                                <!-- You can have one or the other, either simplemarkersymbol or picturemarkersymbol
                                        defined for your point results NOT BOTH. picturemarkersymbol will override simplemarkersymbol
                                        if you do not have it commented out. -->
                                <!-- <simplemarkersymbol style="square" size="12" color="0xff0000" alpha="0.5" xoffset="0" yoffset="0" angle="0">
                                        <outline style="solid" color="0x000000" alpha="1" width="1"/>
                                <picturemarkersymbol url="assets/images/SearchContainer-45.png" height="30" width="30" xoffset="-20" yoffset="20" />
                                <simplelinesymbol color="0xff0000" alpha="0.8" width="2"/>


How to delete the media container border, in the popups for FlexViewer 3.0?

I'm trying to delete the image rectangle box in my popups, so there are no gaps around my image.

Here what I did in Flash Builder:
1- In the PopUpMediaBrowserSkin.mxml I deleted the code:

<s:Rect id="borderRect"
left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0">
<s:SolidColorStroke id = "borderRectSymbol"

2- open the default.css file (default package) and included the following namespace,
@namespace skinComps "com.esri.ags.skins.supportClasses.*";

Also inlcuded the following skinClass reference for "PopUpMediaBrowser",

skinClass: ClassReference("com.esri.customSkins.PopUpMediaBrowserSkin");

Any suggestions, please? I new in Flash Builder

Does the Query Widget work only on the display field?

I have used the Query Widget for some time, but only on one field in a layer, which happens to be the display field as defined in the MXD for the map service. Now I want to create additional query widgets for the same layer, but for other fields. My efforts so far have not worked when trying to filter - no results are found.

I can't find anything in the documentation about this. Will someone enlighten me? Thank you.

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