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eSearchWidget hyperlink field order

Hi Robert,

This was buried in the old thread. Thought I'd resurrect it in a new one so you can get credit.

The fixed DG seems to honor the order of the <fields> in the fixed DG. however, if one of them is a hyperlinkgridfield="true", it always gets appended to the end of the DG (last column).

Would it be a simple mod to have that show up as the first column instead of the last (I.e. where in the code is the hyperlink column being added?)? I've looked at it some, but it pretty indepth as to what all fields are getting assembled and where. (especially since the last column width extends to the edge of the browser window) so I end up with a huge column and a tiny little photo icon in the middle (way too much padding ;))



Attachment 21183
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Click image for larger version

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ID:	21183  

Layerlist not updating


I have an issue with a session restore widget. The widget is based on a post that Robert did quite a few versions ago. The widget is designed to restore the layers that users had on. At version 3 the widget isn't working; the correct layers are becoming visible on the map, however the layerlist is not updating the sublayer checkboxes for dynamic services. Can anyone give me an idea of how to make the widget update the layerlist checkboxes to reflect the layers on the map?

This is the restore portion of the dynamic services

if (layer is ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer) {
layer.visible = acVisLayers[cLayId].visible;
ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(layer).visibleLayers = acVisLayers[cLayId].visarray;


edit widget - 2 different xml settings

I have 2 separate editwidget.xml files with different names. I do this to allow full feature editing in one set of features. The other feature I only want to edit the attributes. I am running into a problem where the settings from one editwidget.xml seem to be overwriting the other even when it is not open. Is there a way to prevent this? When I use the full feature one I cannot see the attributes and I see the attachment/reference option.

widget position in widgetcontainer vertical layout

Is there a way to set widget xy position in widgetcontainer layout ="vertical" because when i open my flexviewer application, widget in widgetcontainer layout ="vertical" open in top position. So how do i make the widget in widgetcontainer vertical layout , for exmaple will open in center position of my flexveiwer application
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	vertical layout.png‎
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Size:	125.6 KB
ID:	21229  

eMap Switcher Widget - change the order of basemaps?


I have a "deferential" idea how to improve Robert´s eMap Switcher widget (it would be very useful with ability to fade), but it seems I´m not able to make it work, so I´m starting a discussion here...

Is there any chance to add tool to enable users to change the order of basemaps? Tool like "move up/move down" which is possible with operational layers.... It would be very useful, many users would be very grateful!

Robert, what do you think about this idea? Should it be possible to add this tool into your widget?
And of course - many thanks for your excelent work for "the community"!!!

Limit Attribute Table widget by Search Widget results

Hello All!

Is there a way to limit the features in the 'Attribute Table' widget buy features that are selected through another widget? So say for example I have a Search widget that you can select fire departments in a given area. I also have the fire station layer turned on in attribute table. The out of the box configuration shows all features that are visible in the current extent. I want to limit features shown in attribute table widget by what's selected through the Search Widget.

So if there are 10 fire stations in the current extent and I use the Search widget to select 3 of them, I would like for the attribute table to only show those three.

Thanks for your help!

Server 10.1, FV 3.1, Flash Builder 4.7


Viewer 3.1 - Zoom issues

When the map first opens in the viewer, I have to click on the map before I can zoom. I can zoom as soon as the map opens in older editions in the viewer. Is there a setting I need to change somewhere to allow for a user to zoom without clicking on the map first?

Thanks in advance for your help!


life cycle of popup information headed for renderer skin

I see that when a popup is configured and a feature is clicked on, the "data" is sent to the infowindow. However, if a popuprendererskin is set, it will filter it through the skin before sending to the infowindow.

So, If I click on a location that has two features from two separate services, it will populate the infowindow with data from one, and put the previous/next buttons on there to toggle through the two selected features.

Now, in the popuprenderskin, It appears as if the commit properties is fired on initial click, an then again when you click the next/previous button(s) and recieves the "data" from the current feature.

Is it possible to get the information from "both" features sent to the skin at the same time? Or a way for the skin to "request" the data from the "next" selected feature? I would like to customize my popup to print out data with some of it coming from one feature, and other data coming from the other, but both in the same infowindow.

Thanks for any ideas,


Data Extract widget, Viewer 3.1

I'm using the Data Extract widget for the first time, so I figure I'm missing something simple. However, I am getting this error and I haven't figured out how to resolve it.
Attachment 21268

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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Click image for larger version

Name:	DataExtractError.JPG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	142.2 KB
ID:	21268  

Identify hyperlink

Can you hyperlink to a simple website like ESRI site?
Here is xml code:
<field name="PARCELID" alias="Parcel ID" />
<link includeinresults="false" field="PARCELID" tooltip="Esri Website">

Thank you.

How to make draggable Widgets?

Hi, I want to know how to make all Widgets become draggable. I changed "_isDraggable" variable into "true" under "isDraggable" function in BaseWidget.as. It seems to work ok when only one or two widgets are opened, but when many Widgets are opened, dragging behaves weird and does not work right. By the way, all the widgets have to be in the same widgetcontainer tag with Vertical layout in the config.xml. I greatly appreciate any helps in this matter.

Enhanced Draw Widget Functionality


I was curious if you had any plans to incorporate the real time measurment functionality that is in the standard draw widget at 3.1 into your enhanced widget. I prefer your enhanced version, and it will continue to be my go to draw widget, but would love to see the real time functionality in the future if possible.

Thanks for all of the work you put into these widgets! They are great!


esearch widget- RPC Fault Fault string="Invalid or Missing input Parameters

Hello I was trying to configure the esearch widget to utilize our layers but when I run it I get:

RPC Fault Fault String="Invalid or Missing input Parameters." faultCode="400" faultDetail="

Below is my code...
Any help will be appreciated:



<expression alias="APN" textsearchlabel="Search by APN:">

<value prompt="Example: 181001490000 ">APN LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Incidents</graphicalsearchlabel>
<titlefield>Parcel APN</titlefield>
<fields all="false">
<field name="APN" gridfield="true" />
<field name="OWNER" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ADDRES" gridfield="true" />
<field name="CITY" gridfield="true" />
<field name="STATE" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ZIP" gridfield="true" />

<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />

<name>Parcel Owner</name>
<expression alias="OWNER" textsearchlabel="Search by Owner Name:">
<value prompt="Example: Joe Smith ">Owner LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Incidents</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="APN" gridfield="true" />
<field name="OWNER" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ADDRES" gridfield="true" />
<field name="CITY" gridfield="true" />
<field name="STATE" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ZIP" gridfield="true" />

<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />
<name>Parcel Address</name>

<expression alias="ADDRESS" textsearchlabel="Search by ADDRESS:">

<value prompt="Example: 21825 Copley ">ADDRESS LIKE '%[value]%'</value>
<graphicalsearchlabel>Use one of the graphical search tools to select Incidents</graphicalsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="APN" gridfield="true" />
<field name="OWNER" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ADDRES" gridfield="true" />
<field name="CITY" gridfield="true" />
<field name="STATE" gridfield="true" />
<field name="ZIP" gridfield="true" />

<zoomscale usegeometry="true" zoompercent="1.6" />

Issues when upgrading from 3.0 to 3.1 using Application Builder


I recently started upgrading some mapping applications to the new 3.1 formate, however I keep getting the following error with one of the maps.

Application upgrade failed: Cannot move C:\Data\Website\flexviewers\MCPD_beta. Please make sure no files are open.

Any clues as to why?

The original map was built with the application builder, then modified outside of the software with XML Notepad.


Default selectedTemplate for edit widget

Hi all,

Is there a way to select a default selectedTemplate in Edit widget. From API I see that its value is null. I need to do this so that, as soon as the user opens edit widget it has either selected point or a line by default so that he/she need not select it from the template picker. Thanks.

Integrate EditWidget with AttributeTable

I would like to integrate the EditWidget into the AttributeTable...so that it's always visible at the far right. I think it would be better for the user to have an editing/adding experience if it was all located in one place. I am already using the left and right panel fly outs for other widgets but I have no clue how to try to integrate two widgets in one panel. This might be more than I can handle and was just hoping for some insight into my options. The other thing required if this was working would be to link the widgets selected features state - meaning if you click on a feature on the map when the edit widget is open it would select it in the attribute table as well - because right now you can click on a record in the attribute table and it highlights it on the map but vice versa does not work.

Any thoughts appreciated.

how to find or query on a field from multiple feature classes

I just started using the flex viewer. previously I used the ArcGIS server manager app builder and could create a find or query that used the same number ID field from three FCs of different geometry (point, line, polygon).
I only seem to be able to pick one FC for an attribute search. the query widget specifies that it can only be used on one layer, so i was hoping the find widget would have the ability to use more than one FC.


Identify widget 3.0 does not return all fields in the record


When I use the Identify widget 3.0 on a parcel I only get a few fields populated. But I know for sure that all the fields are populated in our parcel data.
The only fields that are returning data is: APN, Owner, Address, Zip, Pool, and AC
Included is a screen shot of the identify results.
Included is my current code.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks,

<field name="APN" alias="APN" />
<field name="OWNER" alias="OWNER"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias="ADDRESS" />
<field name="CITY" alias="CITY" />
<field name="ZIP" alias="ZIP" />
<field name="PLAT_MAPS" alias="PLAT MAPS" />
<field name="LIVINGSQFT" alias="LIVING SQFT" />
<field name="LOTSQFT" alias="LOT SQFT" />
<field name="LOTACRES" alias="LOT ACRES" />
<field name="YEARBUILT" alias="YEAR BUILT" />
<field name="BEDROOMS" alias="BED ROOMS" />
<field name="FULLBATH" alias="FULL BATH" />
<field name="POOL" alias="POOL"/>
<field name="AC" alias="AC" />
<field name="TOTEXAMT" alias="ESTIMATED AMOUNT" />
<field name="TOTVAL" alias="TOTAL VALUE" />
<field name="IMPVAL" alias="IMPROVEMENT VALUE"/>
<field name="LANDVAL" alias="LAND VALUE" />
<field name="DOCNUM" alias="DOC NUMBER" />
<field name="SALEDATE" alias="SALE DATE" />
<field name="SALEAMOUNT" alias="SALE AMOUNT" />
<field name="PRIORDOCN" alias="PRIOR DOC NUMBER" />
<field name="PRIORDATE" alias="PRIOR REC DATE" />
<field name="PRIORSALEA" alias="PRIOR SALE AMOUNT" />
<field name="TAXRATE" alias="TAX RATE" />
<field name="TRANSDOC" alias="TRANSFER DOC NUM" />
<field name="TRANSRECDT" alias="RECOR DATE" />
<field name="USECODE " alias="USE CODE" />
<field name="USEDESC" alias="USE CODE DESC" />
<field name="LEGALDESC" alias="DESCRIPTION" />

<link includeinresults="false" field="PLAT_MAPS" alias="PLAT MAPS" tooltip="PLAT MAPS">

Also does this format work still:

<linkfield>PLAT MAPS</linkfield>
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Indentify.jpg‎
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Size:	133.1 KB
ID:	21347  

Help required with

I have 2 different widgets (number may increase) that I want to load in panel. I have place their entries like:
<widgetcontainer paneltype="bottom" initialstate="collapsed" height="250">
entries here
in main config file.
The problem is that they both show up at once hence they are squeezed. Is there any way out to close already loaded widgets in panel (Which is covered here http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/254...rogramatically) and load new widget in panel at run time so that only one widget should be available in panel?
How can I change the state of the panel at run time?
I am using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.1
Thanks in advance

Sign In Error

Dear All,
I am using the 3.1 flex viewer and seem to be running into some issues with secure services. When I launch the viewer it comes up just dandy. However if you click the edit widget you get prompted to sign in,
When I then provide my credentials, per the two users I created for ArcGIS server , neither of those logins work. I then get the error:

Error #2048

Not sure if there is some new magic in the config file I have to provide or what. I am passing a tokken in the config file, and as I said the data layers seem to load just just fine.

I have done some research and this seems to be caused by lack of crossdomain.xml file. But the crossdomain.xml file does seem to be there..

Any ideas would be great,
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	signin.JPG‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	36.8 KB
ID:	21381  
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