I've succesfully imported and set up the Heat Map for the ArcGIS Viewer for flex here:
However, I am unable to get the time functionality to show up. Any ideas on why it wouldn't show up at all? I'm not sure where I change the code to point it to the date field as well.
Attachment 24546
Here is my code:
<name>Part I Offenses HeatMap</name>
<querytemplate>Category = REPLACE_STR</querytemplate>
<types>'Aggravated Assaults','Arson','Burglary','Homicide','Larceny/Theft','Rape','Robbery','Stolen Vehicles'</types>
<type_descs>Aggravated Assaults,Arson,Burglary,Homicide,Larceny/Theft,Rape,Robbery,Stolen Vehicles</type_descs>
<main_label>Main Panel</main_label>
<settings_label>Settings Panel</settings_label>
<refresh_label>Refreshing Layer...</refresh_label>
<comp_label>Part I Offenses:</comp_label>
<heatmapquery_prompt>All Offenses</heatmapquery_prompt>
<featurecount_label>Features Contained</featurecount_label>
<comp_label>Heat radius:</comp_label>