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Security Issues and specific URLs

I have a public accessible computer in the front office of my department that my IT dept has set security permissions so only specific urls/domains can be accessed. I made a flexviewer application and apparently they are unable to determine all the url/domain addresses to allow the computer access to. Is there a list somewhere or documentation that shows this?

Forcing Map Service Update

We are creating price contours at 5 minute intervals. I need the flex viewer to update and show the latest inverval every time the service is re-published (having to republish because of a bug with raster catalogs through rest endpoint). I have tried the autorefresh tag, but if the service is publishing when the viewer refreshes, there is no data shown until the next auto refresh interval.

Is there any way to push a refresh to the viewer. Meaning, the refresh would initiate when the service is republished in my services directory.

Any help would be appreciated.



Layerlist widget reordering bug when exclude layer lag used

Hi There

The OOTB layer list widget is not reordering the layers properly and behaving erratically. When I click the move up arrow (see attached screenshot), the layer actually moves down. It sometimes jumps two or three levels.

This started happening when I used exclude layer tag in the layerlist config file.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Without exclude layer tag it works fine, and there is no issue of reordering the layers.
Does anyne have any fix for this.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	LayerList.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	6.3 KB
ID:	27380  

WMS Layer Bounding Box Issues

I am trying to use a wms layer in my flex viewer (see http://sentinel.ga.gov.au/acres/sentinel/wfs_wms.shtml for details). The layer supports the spatial reference (WGS84) I am passing, and works properly when requested from arcmap or when you pass it a request as a url string.

When I include it in a flex viewer, however, the result is returned in completely the wrong location - instead of being located around australia roughly 20-40 deg S, 110-150 deg E, the points are all located at tiny lat longs - 0-0.00036 S and 0.00099 - 0.0014 E.

Looking at the request the viewer makes in fiddler, it sends enormous coordinates for the bounding box. There is clearly something strange about the way the flex viewer is interpreting the spatial reference. If I leave the WKID=... item out of the config it tries to pass the esri spatial reference of 102100, which the wms server doesn't understand. When I specify wkid="4283" it sends the massive bounding box values.

I am wondering if it is in some way related to this issue:


My config text for the layer is:


            <layer label="Sentinel" type="wms" wkid="4326" visible="true" alpha="1" url="http://sentinel.ga.gov.au/wmsconnector/com.esri.wms.Esrimap" imageFormat="png" visiblelayers="Modis48to72Hours" skipgetcapabilities="true" version="1.1.1"/>

The request sent by the viewer when I turn on the layer is:


GET /wmsconnector/com.esri.wms.Esrimap?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1%2E1%2E1&REQUEST=GetMap&TRANSPARENT=TRUE&LAYERS=Modis48to72Hours&SRS=EPSG%3A4326&WIDTH=1101&FORMAT=image%2Fpng&STYLES=&HEIGHT=590&BBOX=16427846%2E119045615%2C%2D4272829%2E881140223%2C17101103%2E464181416%2C%2D3912047%2E107634209 HTTP/1.1


Editing DEFAULT version with Flex Viewer and topology in desktop

ESRI Users,

Recently I have set up an Oracle GDB, ArcGIS for Server 10.2 and ArcGIS Viewer for Flex in order to give my users read/write access to certain feature classes using internet browser. They do many edits using the Viewer so I did not registered the dataset as versioned. I did set up auto refresh parameter in feature layers in order to see edits made by other users. But apart from that we have two desktop licenses (Standard) and I want to set up topology on the dataset to give desktop users possibility to verify the data and to remove topology errors.

I want both types of users to see their edits.

Is it good idea to register the data (we use DEFAULT version) as versioned, create the topology in it and edit the topology in desktops while maintaining existing Flex Web App? Is it going to work? I suppose that desktop users would have to save edits and compress the GDB in order to move their edits to base tables, right? Web clients see and edit base tables, right?

How to achieve such hybrid solution?


Custom SignInWindow will not go away...?

I am using a custom SignInWindow---with the IdentityManager.instance.enabled = true;
, when I log in as me (the administrator with access to everything) the SignInWindow functions as it should. I enter my user name and password, press ok and I log in and the application behaves as expected.

When another user logs in the SignInWindow comes up normally and functions normally except it won't go away. When you click ok after entering the credentials the SignInWindow appears again....and again....and again.

On the Custom SignInWindow I have a button that allows public users in. Public users only have access to public information. When this button is clicked this code is fired...

m_idManager.enabled = false;

and everything works as expected as a public user....

Why won't that SignInWindow go away after entering the correct credentials????

delete feature using applydits delete

Hi everyone
I have the following problem:
I have a list of features that are charged to a Datagrid, and I want to select an item and delete a feature clicking "delete".
For this I am using the method applyedits of FeatureLayer class.
the problem is that when executing the instruction to remove the objetIds are not sent in the request, I can verify that in "developers tool" window of google chrome. Anyone know why?

the parameters send to request was:
adds []
f json
updates []
but delete was not send, why?

and answer was:
but delete operation was not executed, why?

attached the source code I'm using, thanks ...

Attachment 27407

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<viewer:BaseWidget xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"

import com.esri.ags.FeatureSet;
import com.esri.ags.Graphic;
import com.esri.ags.events.FeatureLayerEvent;
import com.esri.ags.events.LayerEvent;
import com.esri.ags.geometry.Geometry;
import com.esri.ags.geometry.MapPoint;
import com.esri.ags.layers.FeatureLayer;
import com.esri.ags.layers.GraphicsLayer;
import com.esri.ags.tasks.QueryTask;
import com.esri.ags.tasks.supportClasses.Query;
import mx.collections.*;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.events.FlexEvent;
import mx.events.ListEvent;
import mx.rpc.AsyncResponder;
import mx.rpc.Fault;
import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;

private var service:String = "http://sampleserver3.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/SanFrancisco/311Incidents/FeatureServer/0";

protected function btDelete_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var eventsLayer:FeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer();
eventsLayer.url = service;
var gra:Graphic = dgFeatures.selectedItem.gra;
var deletes:Array = [ gra ];
eventsLayer.applyEdits([], [], deletes,
new AsyncResponder(featureLayer_editsCompleteHandler, featureLayer_faultHandler));
function featureLayer_editsCompleteHandler(event:FeatureLayerEvent):void
Alert.show("delete sucessfull")
function featureLayer_faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void
Alert.show("delete failed")
catch (error:Error)
Alert.show("error at deleting process" + error.toString())

protected function btLoad_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
var queryTask:QueryTask = new QueryTask(service);
var query:Query = new Query();
query.where = "1=1";
query.outFields = ['*'];
query.returnGeometry = true;
queryTask.execute(query, new AsyncResponder(onResultQuery, onFaultQuery));

function onResultQuery(featureSet:FeatureSet, token:Object = null):void
var ac:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
var k:int;
var recordGraphic:Graphic = featureSet.features[k];
ac.addItem({Id:recordGraphic.attributes["objectid"], Name:recordGraphic.attributes["req_type"], gra:recordGraphic });
dgFeatures.dataProvider = ac;
catch (error:Error)
Alert.show("Error processing features")
dgFeatures.dataProvider = null;

function onFaultQuery(info:Object, token:Object = null) : void
Alert.show("query error")
catch (error:Error)
Alert.show("query processing error")


<viewer:WidgetTemplate id="wTemplate" height="620" width="450">
<mx:Form fontSize="12">
<mx:FormItem horizontalAlign="center">
<s:Button id="btLoad" label="Load" click="btLoad_clickHandler(event)"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="dgFeatures" width="350" height="200" >
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Id" />
<mx:DataGridColumn dataField="Name" />
<s:Button id="btDelete" label="Delete" click="btDelete_clickHandler(event)"/>
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	delete feature.png‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	109.4 KB
ID:	27407  

Flex Viewer 3.4 Search Widget Error

I'm using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex3.4. This search worked in previous versions but now it does not.
I've look at everything I can think and I'm still receiving the following error when running the search:
[RPC Fault faultString="Invalid or missing input parameters." faultCode="400" faultDetail=""]
I'm sure I'm overlooking something simple but I can't see it.
I have other searches against string fields working on the same feature class/rest point. The only difference with this search is that the field is a integer type:

DRAINAGEBASIN ( type: esriFieldTypeInteger , alias: Drainage Basin , Range: [-1, 999] )

Here is the search:
<name>Drainage Basin GM</name>
<expression>DRAINAGEBASIN = '[value]'</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Drainage Basin (example: 453) =</textsearchlabel>
<field name="FACILITYID" alias="Facility ID"/>
<field name="SUBTYPE" alias="Subtype"/>
<field name="YEARINSTALLED" alias="Year Installed"/>
<field name="STATUS" alias="Status"/>
<field name="POSITIONALACCURACY" alias="Positional Accuracy"/>
<field name="DiameterFix" alias="Diameter (in.)"/>
<field name="MATERIAL" alias="Material"/>
<field name="SIZEDIMENSIONRATIO" alias="Size Dimension Ratio"/>
<field name="RECORDEDLENGTH" alias="Recorded Length (FT)"/>
<field name="UPSTREAMINVERT" alias="Upstream Invert (FT)"/>
<field name="DOWNSTREAMINVERT" alias="Downstream Invert (FT)"/>
<field name="SLOPE" alias="Slope (%)"/>
<field name="DRAINAGEBASIN" alias="Drainage Basin"/>
<field name="LINING" alias="Has a lining?"/>
<field name="INSTALLEDCOST" alias="Installed Cost (LF)"/>
<field name="GRAVITYINSPECTION" alias="TV Inspection"/>
<field name="COMMENTS" alias="Comments"/>
<field name="SOURCEDATA" alias="Source Data"/>
<field name="HYPERLINK" alias="Record Drawing"/>
<field name="VIDEOINSPECTIONDATE" alias="Video Inspection Date"/>
<field name="VIEWCENTER_ID" alias="VIEWCENTER_ID"/>
<field name="VERTICAL_DATUM" alias="Vertical Datum"/>
<field name="CASING" alias="Casing?"/>
<field name="SHAPE.len" alias="SHAPE.len"/>
<orderbyfields>FACILITYID ASC</orderbyfields>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'm thinking about creating a string field and copying the data (drainage basin values) over to it.

LiveMap default layers

Hi, I have a LiveMaps Widget that loads many layers from a map service, with the visibility of layers already defined. The problem is, when I disabled/uncheck all layers inside a GroupLayer in the LiveMaps widget, all the default layers become visible again, that's not suppose to happen(all checkboxes are unmarked), and I have to uncheck the GroupLayer to these layers become off, otherwise the default visibility will prevail. Is this problem something related to the map service? or is it something that I need to configurate via code?

Editing strange behavior

I'm using arcgis viewer for flex 3.4 and when I edit features they were sometimes saved shifted. This occurs when I zoom or pan on map during editing operation.

Add extra button for popup infowindow

I didn't find PopUpRendererSkin.mxml under ~\src\com\esri\ags\skins folder. So where is the file on FlexViewer 3.4? I need to create a extra button to open a widget on popup infowindow. So do I need to create a new file for PopUpRendererSkin.mxml under ~\src\com\esri\ags\skins folder? Thanks.

ArcGIS viewer for flex search widget

Can you search multiple attributes in the same search example: ADDFULL LIKE ('%[value]%') OR HSENO LIKE '[value]' in the out of the box search widget for flex viewer 3.4?

Chart and AttributeTable widgets conflict?

Hello All,

I made a map with several layers and add the attributeTable widget. It was working fine.
But then I add the Chart widget.
When I select (geographycally) the polygons I want to see in the chart:
- the polygons are not highlighted
- the attribute table is not updated (or no new tab appears)
(but the chartWidget itself works)

The configuration in config.xml is:

<layer type="dynamic" label="Baseline Findings" url="my adress">

The configuration in the AttributeTableWidget.xml is:
<layer name="Assessed Households Group" url="my adress/1">

<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.County" alias="County"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.State" alias="State"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Total_HH" alias="Total HH"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Control_TotalHH" alias="Control TotalHH"/>
<field name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Treatment_TotalHH" alias="Treatment TotalHH"/>

And the configuration in ChartWidget.xml is:
<layer label="Assessed Households Group" url="http://reach1.cern.ch/arcgis/rest/services/SSD_BRACE/SSD_AST_BRACE_results/MapServer/1" >
<field alias="State" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SS_3_Counties.STATE"/>
<field label="County" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.County"/>
<field label="Total HH" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Total_HH"/>
<field label="Treatment" alias="Treatment" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Treatment_TotalHH"/>
<field label="Control" name="reach_SSD.SDE.SSD_AST_BRACE_GIS_FCS.Control_TotalHH"/>
<media caption="You selected {=COUNT} counties"
title="Total No of Households"


Is there a problem in this configuration, or a conflict between the 2 widgets?
Hope I'm clear

Label Option Wizard

FlexViewer Attribute Table - Tab for 'All Features''

The functionality available in 3.4 to interact with the layer list and attribute table are great, however has anyone found a way to include a tab for 'All Features'? Grouped layers can of course be used to turn a tree of information on or off simultaneously, but this is only reflected in the attribute table at individual layer level. Is this functionality available within the viewer or is this a custom job? Any advice appreciated?

Call a function on eSearch from a popup button click

I created an extra button on popup infowindow (PopUpRendererSkin.mxml). How do you call a getLocateGra() function on eSearch when user click a button on popup infowindow instead of click the icon on eSearch widget?

Attached Images

Limit number of ESRI Basemaps to use

I am using the ESRI Basemaps in the default 3.4 viewer. I am not using the App Builder.

Is there a way to limit the number of Basemaps that are seen under the Basemap Tab? the default shows 9 basemaps (Imagery, Streets, Imagery with Labels, Topography, etc...), all I want to do is show Imagery and Streets. Is this possible? if yes, please tell me where to modify the code to do so. thanks.

Zoom Tool does not work in 3.4

When I try to use the Zoom In Tool on the Zoom Bar at the left side of the Map Window it does not activate. The Zoom Slider Bar work good. But, the icon under it with the "+" Magnifying Glass does not.

It worked fine in 3.0.

Any ideas?
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	MICE_Zoom_Tool_Problem.jpg‎
Views:	N/A
Size:	141.6 KB
ID:	27549  

Search Widget - Search By Attribute 3.4

So I just updated to 3.4 and according to the help. The search widget should now, have the option to search by attribute. But I am not seeing it in my applications. Any ideas on how I can make this work? What I am doing wrong?

change the symbology for a line segment.

This question is for flexviewer. Does anyone has any idea how to change the symbology (line weight, color) over a segment of a single-part line feature using the beginning and ending set of coords?

Ultimately, the url parameters would provide the beginning and ending sets of coords and line id. Based on the parameters, the new symboloy will displayed over the requested line segment/
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