While I have been using GIS for 15 years and have built web maps in the old ADF and Silverlight, I am BRAND new to Flex. The other day I copied a functioning, albeit basic and dated legacy Flex web map and started "updating" it with more widgets, color, new data sets, etc by way of the main html file, config file and the widgets config files. Its very much a work in progress.
The biggest issue I am dealing with at the moment is that when you go to the website, the window opens, you get my splash window (placeholder), click agree and are at the web map. If you try a resize while the splash page is up it still doesn't fix anything. You need to click agree to get the splash page to go away first.
For some reason, at that point there are missing widget windows, missing widget icons and the top ribbon is blank. If you do a minimize / maximize on the browser window that usually solves the problem and the layout reloads correct and the icons and widgets all appears as expected. I am not a developer by any stretch but if this sounds like something you have experienced or are familiar with, please do respond. If email is preferred, gisdataguy at yahoo dot com. I will also share the URL to the webmap but would rather not just post here for the world to see. Thank you!
I attached two pictures, one is what the screen looks like when you first hit the site. The second picture is AFTER you click agree on the splash and then do a minimize or maximize of the browser window.