I know it's possible to download the English version of ESRIMessages.properties here: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/...0000007000000/ and translate it if you want some other languages than the 22 already supported laguages.
But I'm using a Swedish language that are supported and would like to change just a few strings, without having to translate all the stings. Like I've done with the ViewerStrings.properties. Is it possible to download ESRIMessages.properties in the other languages somewhere?? If not, it would be great if the ESRI FlexTeam would make that possible.
But I'm using a Swedish language that are supported and would like to change just a few strings, without having to translate all the stings. Like I've done with the ViewerStrings.properties. Is it possible to download ESRIMessages.properties in the other languages somewhere?? If not, it would be great if the ESRI FlexTeam would make that possible.