Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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Pop-up Media Above Fields

I have an operational layer with a pop-up window. In the window, I have one media element (a jpg) and a bunch of attributes. Is there any way to make the media element be at the top of the window...

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Is there a way to enable cookies for a flexviewer website. So that when the window is closed, the next time its opened, it is at the same spot as before? Thanks

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Flex Application not seen in Firefox or Chrome

I have recently built my application and it can be seen in IE, however it is not being seen in Firefox or Chrome. Using Firebug, I get two errors: 1. SyntaxError: illegal character swfobject.embedSWF(...

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LayerList Expand Layer Items

Is it me or does setting the expandlayeritems to true not expand anything. My layerlist widget still loads with closed trees. Any help would be awesome. Code:...

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Download ESRIMessages.properties in other languages than English

I know it's possible to download the English version of ESRIMessages.properties here: http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/...0000007000000/ and translate it if you want some other languages than the 22...

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Can you Mask an Image Service in a Flex App

I have a basemap service that covers two towns. I have a few flex apps. One of the apps I want to be geographically restricted to only 1 of those towns. I have boundary layers to delineate the towns....

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Service Not Displaying in Browser

I have a service that is working in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer. Won't even pull up; just sits on a blank white screen. I have other services that are working just fine in both environments....

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A problem for a widget with preload="minimized"

Got a problem for a widget with preload="minimized". After the widget is opened and then closed, it does not return to "minimized" state. But this widget's icon on the toolbar is still underlined with...

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Issues with ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.2 version

We are having issues in creating Web Applications using ArcGIS Viewer for Flex 3.2 version. Earlier we have used 3.0 and 3.1 version and everything used to work fine. Now, we have upgraded the Flex...

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New a sample for an array values in config file

I want to use an array to retrieve the values in the widget's config. Can someone provide the sample source how to do it? Thanks.

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I have a problem with thematicwidget when I configure my xml file and I specifie my layer with fields and aliases, nameand index of layer. it works correctly for some fields, and for other it generates...

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Flex 3.1/3.2 advanced printing - layer names are not present in exported map...

Is anyone using the advanced printing capabilities of Flex 3.1/3.2 to export a web map to a JPG, PDF, or other file format, using a custom map template MXD? I'm doing this and everything works well,...

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programatically change visible Layers does not always work

Hey! I am trying change the default visibility of layers and sublayers depending on different criteria. I also want these layers to sync up with the check boxes in the Table of Contents widget. The...

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Attribute Table widget in Flex 3.2

Recently, I Flex 3.2 for my web application. In my web application, I included attribute table widget. I included desired layers into the table. Everything is working fine. But the attribute table data...

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Swipe&Spotlight+ eMapSwitcher widgets

Hi Robert, as promised here you are the two widgets with the "enhancements" I've done. Sorry for the delay but I had to work in other projects... Substantially now the two widgets work together and...

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3.3 Release

Hello ESRI devs, I know I'm being somewhat impatient, but a bug that is in 3.2 has effected my product release. This bug#NIM090650 according to ESRI support should be fixed in 3.3. I have been...

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eLocate Widget

Robert, Is there any way to get the geometry service changes in the eLocate Widget without recompiling the widget? Or is there a way that we can get a tag for the geometry service so we could change it...

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ArcGIS Viewer 3.3 for Flex released April 29, 2013 !!

Today we've released version 3.3 of the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex. Read the details in What's new in 3.3. This release focused on updates of existing functionality and localization, in addition to bug...

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composite symbol with textsymbol

Hi, everyone. I'm trying to create a compositeSymbol with a simpleLineSymbol and a textSymbol to show some information about the polygon or polyline that the user create. I've already did a...

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Enhanced-Search-Widget-for-FlexViewer Part III

All, Here is a new thread to post questions and discuss the Enhanched Search Widget. The old thread was getting too long.

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