Print Widget problem esriJobFailed
Hi everyone, i would appreciate so much your help with this issue. I have published my web page with Print Widget as one of my toolsand it works fine when im inside my LAN, but when i run the Widget...
View ArticleCoordinate Widget - If Statement for the extent
Hello, I am trying to display along side the coordinates the local map grid ZONE the mouse is over. In theory I could have an If statement where If Eastings <= 10000 and >=5000 And if Northings...
View Articlemenu
I want to add a menu in my index.mxml into flexviewer 3.2 how i can do that and thank you
View ArticleCan you add Map services name on Identify result?
I would like know that can you show map service name above layer results and only show one time if all layer results under the same map service when you use identify "all"? Thank you. Attached...
View ArticleSimple Search (Widget)
Can someone please help me on the code for a simple search...I wish users to be able to search a layer item and need the code that will return the value. But I need the code that returns when the...
View ArticleIdentify Widget v3.2 for FlexViewer 3.2 Configuration Issues
I have set <layers onlythese="true"> in an attempt to only identify features (tax parcels) in a specified <layer>. After clicking on a feature, nothing happens. If I switch <layers...
View ArticleWidget's close and open
When I open Widget A, I want to close or minimized Widget B if Widget B is open. In Widget A, what code I should add? Thanks.
View ArticleVersion 3.2 using a secure web server URL
We are using an SSL enabled (self-signed certificate) web server on port 6443 with ArcGIS Server 10.1 SP1. My rest services resolve just fine at https://devgisappvsrv:6443/arcgis/rest/services....
View Articlewidget preload="minimized"
In the main config file, I added preload="minimized" for some of widgets. It brings 2 problems: 1) If the overall widgets with the preload iare limited (e.g. 3), the top one's position is on the banner...
View ArticleSearchWidget
I have this error when executing my searchWidget Attachment 23736 Attached Thumbnails Â
View Articledefining zoom level with basemaps
Hello. Is it possible to set the zoom level in the config file to be able to zoom in a lot closer with the base maps. I have developed a few web applications for our water and sewer inspectors. And one...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.2 - Identify by point issue
Hi, When I use the rectangle tool for a specific layer by clicking on only one point, the result appears. But if I use the point tool for that same specific layer, I get the message "No Results Found"....
View ArticleHelp with coding the Print Widget config xml file
I'm trying to figure out the proper way to include/exclude formats in the Print Widget config but the explanation in the tag reference is not very good. What I want to do is remove "pdf" from the list...
View ArticleRPC Fault faultString="Unable to complete operation." faultCode="400" ...
Hi; I have a problem with the widget search; when I use a service published in arcgise server 10 it worked good but when I use the same widget with a sevice in arcgis server 10.1 it give me an error...
View ArticleMove EMapSwitcher
I am using the enhaced map switcher widget in an application that uses the basemap fader to view historical aerial photos. I am not showing thumbnails, just the photo date as the label. The problem is...
View ArticleApplication Builder
Hi, Question: Using ArcGIS viewer for flex 3.1, changes poly line color to black when you add operational layers, but when you include the operational layer as a folder. all the lines and points...
View ArticleAdding New Layer to Existing Map Service Messes Up Order of Operational Layers
I'm just curious what people have done to work around the issue when you create a map service and configure the pop-ups and styles through the flex viewer application and then you want to add a new...
View ArticleRelated Record Foreign Key
When adding a new related record using the Edit widget the foreign key is not auto-populated. For example I have a feature with a primary key. I click on the feature to get the edit popup and click the...
View Articlepop-up hyperlinks not working: spaces getting translated to %2520
Hello, I am configuring a pop-up in FlexViewer 3.1 using HTML. One of the items in the pop references a field in my map service that contains a fully qualified url. The urls all use %20 instead of...
View ArticleReplace scroller of the SearchWidget with a table
at the display of the result of the searchwidget I would like to replace the scroller with a table how i can do that ? and thank you Code: <s:Scroller width="100%" height="100%">...
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