I added the code you provided but Identify widget won't close when eDraw is opened. Can you tell what is the different to use AppEvent.dispatch(AppEvent.WIDGET_CLOSE, ViewerContainer.getInstance().widgetManager.getWidgetId("Identify")) & the code you provided?
If I change the code to this then Identify widget will close.
for each (var widgetId:Number in ViewerContainer.getInstance().widgetManager.getAllLoadedWidgetIds()) {
if(widgetId == 3) {
var data:Object = {
id: widgetId,
state: WidgetStates.WIDGET_CLOSED
AppEvent.dispatch(AppEvent.WIDGET_CHANGE_STATE, data);
Thank you very much.
I added the code you provided but Identify widget won't close when eDraw is opened. Can you tell what is the different to use AppEvent.dispatch(AppEvent.WIDGET_CLOSE, ViewerContainer.getInstance().widgetManager.getWidgetId("Identify")) & the code you provided?
If I change the code to this then Identify widget will close.
for each (var widgetId:Number in ViewerContainer.getInstance().widgetManager.getAllLoadedWidgetIds()) {
if(widgetId == 3) {
var data:Object = {
id: widgetId,
state: WidgetStates.WIDGET_CLOSED
AppEvent.dispatch(AppEvent.WIDGET_CHANGE_STATE, data);
Thank you very much.