Search Widget version 3.5 - how to make searching with like condition
Hello, is there any solution to make searching using like condition as below: <expression>upper(COLUMNNAME) like upper('%[value]%')</expression> I'm already trying that code but not...
View ArticleLocate widget : disable popup
Hello, I am working with arcgis server 10.0 and flex 2.5. I am using the locate widget in the viewer and I would like to disable the popup that appears at each result : with the address, score and zoom...
View ArticleUS and DS Trace in Flexviewer
Hello, I work with a sewer utility. We are trying to find a widget that will give us the ability to perform upstream and downstream traces through the flexviewer applications. Does anyone know if a...
View ArticleHow to use specify points or comma as a thousand separator in the flex viewer.
Hi, I am using the 3.5 Flex viewer version and defining the popups to a flex project, I know it is possible to set the number format on and use the thousand separator. But I can’t find a way to specify...
View ArticleHow do I zoom to a specific scale programmatically?
Hi, I modified the CoordinateWidget so that the current scale value of the map is displayed in the lower left corner of the map. Attachment 29949 However I don't just need to see it, I want the user to...
View ArticleArcGIS Viewer 3.6 for Flex released Tuesday December 17, 2013
See the blog article for details about this release. See the complete list of enhancements and bug fixes. Important links: ArcGIS Viewer for Flex main page What's new in ArcGIS Viewer 3.6 for Flex...
View ArticleDisplay polygon results on the map using Enhanced Search Widget
Is there a way to make local level polygon search results show up at a statewide scale? When I search for features statewide (like buildings for instance), I can only see the selection result polygons...
View ArticleRe: Problem for widget open on eDraw and close Identify
Robert, I added the code you provided but Identify widget won't close when eDraw is opened. Can you tell what is the different to use AppEvent.dispatch(AppEvent.WIDGET_CLOSE,...
View ArticleRe: GCOD in 3.3 while Editing
Thanks for the feedback Mr. Bjorn. Do you know if there is anyway I can address this in 3.3? We haven't made the jump yet to 3.5 and probably won't do so for another 6 months. We're kind of limited due...
View ArticleeLayerList 3.5.1
I added a layer of type 'feature' in the main config.xml file. When I toggle the checkbox for the parent/group layer in the eLayerList widget, it turns on and off. When I expand the parent/group layer...
View ArticleLocate Widget - Coordinate Search Options
So I'm trying to customize my locate widget, which allows a user to search and zoom to specific coordinates. The current default allows the user to enter coordinates as decimal degrees. However, I want...
View Articlearcgis online feature services used to do not!
I have a series of flex maps that use feature services stored on my ArcGIS Online account. All of my maps had been working perfectly fine, but beginning on Wednesday (two days ago), I started getting...
View ArticleMissing widgets and layout until browser window minimize / maximize
All, While I have been using GIS for 15 years and have built web maps in the old ADF and Silverlight, I am BRAND new to Flex. The other day I copied a functioning, albeit basic and dated legacy Flex...
View ArticleIdentify pixel values in Image Service
Hi There, I was just wondering if there is a way to identify the individual pixel values in a mosaic dataset that has been output as an image service? The image service is then added as a layer in the...
View ArticleLegend Widget does not appear to work with secured map services
Using the 3.4 out-of-the-box Legend widget, and it does not appear to include in the legend any of my secured map services. I was wondering if anyone could confirm that they are using the...
View ArticleSearch Widget version 3.5 - how to make searching with like condition
Hello, is there any solution to make searching using like condition as below: <expression>upper(COLUMNNAME) like upper('%[value]%')</expression> I'm already trying that code but not...
View ArticleLocate widget : disable popup
Hello, I am working with arcgis server 10.0 and flex 2.5. I am using the locate widget in the viewer and I would like to disable the popup that appears at each result : with the address, score and zoom...
View ArticleUS and DS Trace in Flexviewer
Hello, I work with a sewer utility. We are trying to find a widget that will give us the ability to perform upstream and downstream traces through the flexviewer applications. Does anyone know if a...
View ArticleHow to use specify points or comma as a thousand separator in the flex viewer.
Hi, I am using the 3.5 Flex viewer version and defining the popups to a flex project, I know it is possible to set the number format on and use the thousand separator. But I can’t find a way to specify...
View ArticleHow do I zoom to a specific scale programmatically?
Hi, I modified the CoordinateWidget so that the current scale value of the map is displayed in the lower left corner of the map. Attachment 29949 However I don't just need to see it, I want the user to...
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