The issue I am dealing with is tiled services, when I add a WMTS from GeoWebcache none of the MapServices work. I imagine it has something to do with the tileset matrix, but what would need to be set so both work in unison.
Here is my config.xml entry
Both are 4326, but if the wmts is set to visible="true" then only wmts services work and if tiled is set to visible="true" then only tiled services work.
Note: dynamic and wms services work in both cases. The issue only is with tiled services (ArcGIS tiled and GeoWebCache wmts)
flexviewer 3.5
ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 and 10.0
GeoWebCache 1.5.0
crossdomain.xml has been added to the GeoWebCache web root
....any suggestions? I would expect both to work, especially one being an OGC standard.
Daniel Berry
Here is my config.xml entry
<map wraparound180="false" esrilogovisible="false" initialextent="-49.5 -14.3 99.4 75.1" top="40" portalurl="some_portalurl" addarcgisbasemaps="false" wkid="4326" bottom="25">
<layer type="wmts" label="GWC Test" url="http://hostname/geowebcache/service/wmts" imageformat="png"
visible="true" style="_null" servicemode="KVP" layerid="test_gwc_layer" tilematrixsetid="EPSG:4326" />
<layer type="tiled" label="AGS Test" url="http://hostname/ArcGIS/rest/services/Basemap/test_ags_layer/MapServer"
visible="false" />
Note: dynamic and wms services work in both cases. The issue only is with tiled services (ArcGIS tiled and GeoWebCache wmts)
flexviewer 3.5
ArcGIS Server 9.3.1 and 10.0
GeoWebCache 1.5.0
crossdomain.xml has been added to the GeoWebCache web root
....any suggestions? I would expect both to work, especially one being an OGC standard.
Daniel Berry