Thematic Widget 3.6 with Flex Viewer 3.1
I want to upgrade my version of the Thematic Widget to 3.5 or 3.6 to get the ability to choose different layers. I am currently restricted to using version 3.1 and 3.4 of the main Flex Viewer with...
View ArticleGraphicalClickInfo in Identify Widget
Hi Robert (just presuming you'll be the one able to help :) I configured the xml for the Identify widget to display one link in the results and the pop up window. This seems to work fine. The icon with...
View ArticleLink List widget and panels
Can the Link List widget be coded so that it works with panels? Very similar to the eLayerList widget enhancement that was recently made. I'm upgrading to 3.6 from 3.4. The widget appears fixed at 300...
View Articlestrange labeling on print in 3.6
When using the OOTB print widget to print from my application I'm having an issue where any labels that are shown are getting drawn more than once, in some locations. The labels appear as expected,...
View ArticleIssue with adding both GeoWebCache WMTS and ArcGIS Tiled services to...
The issue I am dealing with is tiled services, when I add a WMTS from GeoWebcache none of the MapServices work. I imagine it has something to do with the tileset matrix, but what would need to be set...
View ArticleChannel Security error on MapManager
I run into this error message on MapManager for ArcGIS View for Flex web application v3.5 when try to open web application to public to use. I tested this on internal web browser and it works fine only...
View ArticleBye Bing, need hybrid.
I know that the world imagery with transportation and places overlays will do the trick but I need to make it where if Imagery is chosen those overlays come on automatically and if streets is selected...
View ArticleSearching Date Ranges?
Hello, My first question is it possible to set up the search widget to search for a date range? Second if it is possible how is one able to do so?
View ArticleFlex Viewer 3.5 - not able to print orthophoto & removal of ESRI Source on map
I am trying to create a web mapping application which uses my own template for printing. However, my orthophoto will not show up on my printed PDF output. It will only show up when I print using 'MAP...
View ArticleReload viewer container ?
Hi everibody, I made an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex from 3.5 version that launch the good configuration file depending to the user authentified. For this I use Code: ViewerContainer.configFile = configFile;...
View ArticleQuery task freezes browser temporarily
Hi all: For the first time I'm performing a few queries that are not near-instant. One query will return up to 2000 points from a dataset of over 100 000. I'm noticing that it freezes everything until...
View ArticleCopyright text displayed for operational layers, but not basemaps.
Hello, I am curious if there is an easy to way to have the copyright text for the operational layers displayed in the bottom right corner without the basemap copyright text. I understand that the...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.6: Error #1014: Class mx.modules::Module could not be found
Have just downloaded the Identify Widget for Flex Viewer 3.6 and I get the following error with both the compiled and uncompiled versions: Exception thrown (VerifyError: Error #1014: Class...
View ArticleEdit widget: Attaching multiple documents at once
Is anybody aware of of a way to allow multiple documents to be selected and attached at the same time using the edit widget? Currently when the user clicks on Add Attachment they are prevented from...
View ArticlePrint widget export map performans
Hi, What is Print widget PrintingTools performance for 300\600 dpi? Now I can export A4 layout to 3 Mb file pdf more than 5 minutes at ArcGIS Server WG 10.1 sp1 on HP ML350 G4p 2 *Xeon 3 GHz 8 RAM...
View ArticleBasemap images look pixelated when zooming out
When I zoom out on my cached map service in Flex Viewer or Javascript, the imagery in there looks pixelated, although it doesn't when I zoom out in ArcMap. Is there some setting I can fix in my service...
View ArticleSQL for Hebrew data
Hello, I am trying to define an SQL expression that will use Hebrew data,with out any success. what im am asking is- In the ArcGIS viewer for Flex, in the Configure window of the Search widgets, in the...
View ArticlePopup in browser issue.
I created a custom popup in the popup configure window. Everything works fine in using the preview tab in the application builder and in IE but the popup will only show the regular key value popup in...
View ArticleeSearch/Identify Hyperlink issue
App Versions: Flexviewer 3.5, eSearch 3.5.4, Identify Widget 3.5.1 (all compiled and flex app builder has not been used) I have an issue with hyperlinking from the flexviewer that occurs on both the...
View ArticleEdit widget text box size; singleToMultilineThreshold value being reset to...
I am having an issue with the size of the text boxes in my editing widget that I had previously found the answer to with the singleToMultilineThreshold property, but now the issue is recurring after I...
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