Hi everibody,
I made an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex from 3.5 version that launch the good configuration file depending to the user authentified. For this I use
where the variable configFile is a string equal to the URL of the xml.
But a user could have many configurations possible, so I made a button in the HeaderController which permit to change the configuration. Then I'd like to reload the HeaderController with the new config, I tried that:
But instead of reloading the HeaderController, it adds a new one behind the current one. Perhaps you'll see it below in transparency:
How really don't know how to reload it...
I'm open to any kind of solution ;)
Thanks in advance,
I made an ArcGIS Viewer for Flex from 3.5 version that launch the good configuration file depending to the user authentified. For this I use
ViewerContainer.configFile = configFile;
But a user could have many configurations possible, so I made a button in the HeaderController which permit to change the configuration. Then I'd like to reload the HeaderController with the new config, I tried that:
ViewerContainer.configFile = newConfigFile;
How really don't know how to reload it...
I'm open to any kind of solution ;)
Thanks in advance,