I am working on migrating from AGS10.0 with a 2.5 Flex Viewer to AGS 10.2 with a 3.6 Flex viewer. When I recreated my services that were to be used in the edit widget, I enabled feature access as usual and pretty much copy and pasted the entry from my 2.5 viewer config.xml as the service names are still the same. It may just be something stupid because I am tired, but the Featureserver layers do not show up in the 3.6 viewer. The featureserver layers can be previewed in ArcCatalog though. Obviously the edit widget does not work either without the feature layers. The mapserver layer with the same name is visible in the Flex viewer, just not the featureserver portion. According to the edit widget documentation, it should be compatible with ArcSDE 10.0. Is that incorrect?
Thank you
Thank you