Format coordinate output in coordinate widget flex viewer 3.6
I use the standard coordinate widget in the flexviewer application builder 3.6. This works, the coordinates are displayed when I move the cursor in the map. What is rather frustrating, is that...
View ArticlePrinting - Legend to only Show Extent items
Fairly new to the Flex platform - so forgive me if this sounds weird .. When adding a layout to the print - obviously you want a legend of items .. however, the box to check to only show items in the...
View Articleselecting features using already selected feature set in ArcGIS FLEX API
Hello, I am currently creating selection widget based on my needs. One of the thing I wanted to do is to select features first and then display them on the map and next, I want to select features from...
View ArticleeDraw and Draw Widget Bug?
The resize of the pop up window is not done when <measure>true</measure> This "true" setting means the Show Measurements Box is checked. But, the window does not resize based on setting the...
View ArticleExclude Legend from Print Widget
Is there a way to exclude the Legend in the Print Widget? I know you can export MAP_ONLY, but this option also excludes the scale. I only want to exclude the Legend.
View ArticleTime widget Issue
Hi, I am using the time widget to display time enabled data to end users. I seem to be running into an issue where the ArcGIS for flex app is displaying an event that occurred on Jan 2 as Jan 1. The...
View ArticleeSearch issue.
I'm having a terrible time getting the Relate to work with a Table entry. I have a table (non spacial) Meter with the customer name on it. I have a Feature Class (Service Location) that has a spacial...
View ArticleModify Map Contents Window
I am using Robert's eLayerList Widget. It works great. But, I was wondering if it is possible to make the changes shown in the attached image: - Move the items inside the red box (labeled 1) to "Water...
View ArticleHow to Edit Widget Window Starting Position
I know some real basic Flex API, have Flash Builder. While I use Flex Viewer (v3.6), I do all the edits and configuration through flash builder. Anyway, I am wondering if there is a way to define...
View ArticleConfiguration of Flex viewer and Blazeds
hello everyone how can I configure my project flex viewer with BlazeDS . Thank you for your help
View ArticleMinimum Scale
Hello All, I was wondering if there is a way to be able to zoom in farther on the viewer using the out of box base maps? I have some florr plan operational layers and can not seem to get in as close as...
View ArticleDirections Widget
Is there an easy workaround to get this widget working without having an ArcGIS organizational account? All I am looking for is a route service url that can be put in the simple config file. Not...
View ArticleIdentify Widget 3.6.4 hyperlink only works in app builder preview
Running Server 10.1 with Flex 3.6. I created a virtual folder in IIS that points the network folder of my .jpg's. In my preview in application builder, the links work. I click a point and the picture...
View ArticleSublayers pulling from separate REST services
Is it possible to call on two separate REST services within the same layer? Let's say I want to make a main layer labeled "Severe Weather" and have two sublayers, one that pulls NOAA Hurricanes from...
View ArticleAttribute Table
I was looking in the API to see where the code is for the development of the attribute table that is used in flexviewer, so it can be modified to allow for more options in the dropdown menu. I could...
View ArticleChange mouse cursor on creating new feature in Edit Widget
Hello, what I want to do is to change cursor to cross image when I draw new feature using Edit Widget. And after saving feature to change it back to arrow style. Probably I should change it with: Code:...
View ArticleTrying to find a way to add a tiled feature to the Flex Viewer Identify Widget
I have a flex viewer application which contains two dynamic services (one being a point layer and the other a polygon feature). The application also contains 7 separate tiled services which are all...
View ArticleEsearch not pulling all records in for search
I have a parcel viewer located at: I recently noticed that when I am searching by any of the "Parcel" fields it isn't pulling in all the unique values. I...
View ArticleURL links getting blocked
Hello All, Just thought I would ask the forum about some linked images I cannot get to work I would like an image to appear in the popup window when opened. I have been testing this by using a simple...
View ArticleFeaturelayers not visible in 3.6 Viewer
I am working on migrating from AGS10.0 with a 2.5 Flex Viewer to AGS 10.2 with a 3.6 Flex viewer. When I recreated my services that were to be used in the edit widget, I enabled feature access as usual...
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