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Communication between widgets

i'm new in flex, and im working on Webmapping application using flex 4.6, java, and sql server as database, i'm just trying to make a communication between wigdets, i would like to copy each selected item of my combobox in widget1, and show it in the textinput in widget2, i just followed this steps explaind by Robert here http://forums.arcgis.com/threads/138...+communication but no luck, the problem that i'm facing is that i can't call components of the first widget (textinput, button....) from the second widget, they are often underlined !!

at jump you found the change i made,

Widget 1


var layoutArr:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                        private function widgetCommunication1():void
                                addSharedData("Liste des chapitres", layoutArr);

Widget 2


<viewer:BaseWidget xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
                                  width="638" height="552" creationComplete="application1_applicationCompleteHandler(event)"


                        import com.esri.viewer.AppEvent;
                        import mx.events.FlexEvent;
        protected function basewidget1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                                ViewerContainer.addEventListener(AppEvent.DATA_PUBLISH, sharedDataUpdated);

 private function sharedDataUpdated(event:AppEvent):void
                                var data:Object = event.data;                               
                                if (data.key == "Liste des chapitres")
                                        dplist.selectedIndex = IntChap.text;


<s:DropDownList id="dplist" x="10" y="10" width="282" height="26" labelField="IntituleChap" dataProvider="{RemoteRapportDao.Selection.lastResult}" change="dplist_changeHandler(event)" ></s:DropDownList>

IntChap wich is on red and bold is the textinput in widget1 , i got it underlined in widget 2, even if i made this communication
any one can tell me what i'm messing ??
any help or code will be appreciated !

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