So I'm having an issue with the Zoom To function of the Search widget. In my map, I have 3 searches, and 2 of them allow me to zoom to my results. The 3rd doesn't. I cannot seem to find out where the issue is in the code. The service is dynamic, it has a FID, so I really don't know where else to look. Here's the code for the Search Widget:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<name>ADCO PIN</name>
<expression>PARCELNB like '%[value]%'</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO PINs [ Example: 0157107000022 ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="SITE_ADDRE" alias= "Property Address"/>
<field name="OWNER" alias= "Property Owner"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
<name>ADCO Owner</name>
<expression>UPPER(OWNER) like UPPER('%[value]%')</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO OWNERS [ Example: Stonehocker Farms LLC ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELNB" alias= "Parcel ID"/>
<field name="SITE_ADDRE" alias= "Property Address"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
<name>ADCO Address</name>
<expression>UPPER(SITE_ADDRE) like UPPER('%[value]%')</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO ADDRESS [ Example: 11151 Colorado Blvd ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELNB" alias= "Parcel ID"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
I'll post what's in my config file, but it's pretty standard:
<widget label="ADCO Property Search" right="10" top="550"
Anyone have any suggestions? Need more info? Anything would be awesome
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<name>ADCO PIN</name>
<expression>PARCELNB like '%[value]%'</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO PINs [ Example: 0157107000022 ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="SITE_ADDRE" alias= "Property Address"/>
<field name="OWNER" alias= "Property Owner"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
<name>ADCO Owner</name>
<expression>UPPER(OWNER) like UPPER('%[value]%')</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO OWNERS [ Example: Stonehocker Farms LLC ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELNB" alias= "Parcel ID"/>
<field name="SITE_ADDRE" alias= "Property Address"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
<name>ADCO Address</name>
<expression>UPPER(SITE_ADDRE) like UPPER('%[value]%')</expression>
<textsearchlabel>Search ADCO ADDRESS [ Example: 11151 Colorado Blvd ]</textsearchlabel>
<fields all="false">
<field name="PARCELNB" alias= "Parcel ID"/>
<field name="ADDRESS" alias= "Owner Address"/>
<field name="CITY" alias= "Owner City"/>
<field name="STATE" alias= "Owner State"/>
<field name="ZIPCODE" alias= "Owner Zipcode"/>
I'll post what's in my config file, but it's pretty standard:
<widget label="ADCO Property Search" right="10" top="550"
Anyone have any suggestions? Need more info? Anything would be awesome