Search Widget error
I would like this widget to look like what I have attached. But, I keep getting an error when I give it a test drive in the viewer. I have modified the code for the Search Widget (Flex Viewer 3.6) to...
View ArticleICONFLD-Revisted
Good monring all (specifically Robert :), Several years ago, ran into a limitation of the eSearch and Identify widgets where the link icon could not be changed based on the type of document being...
View ArticleChannel.Security.Error?
I get this error when I open my flex map viewer. It is related to the Streets basemap which I have referenced in my config.xml: When I open the map...
View ArticlePrint Widget
I am having issues with default print widget from esri. Randomly, it takes very long to respond after clicking Print and shows the following error message. Attachment 34935 I am using a print service...
View ArticleShow related records
Hi, There is capability of show related records in popup info window, and it works fine when i click on selected features in map. But when i try to open popup info window from my custom search widget,...
View ArticleExtend WMS layer to use the style parameter
All, Does anybody know how I can extend the WMS layer to use the style parameter? It appears I cannot get to the base WMS class. Regards Anthony
View ArticleNeed Functionality of Missing Widget
I'm tasked with updating a series of maps (from version 2.x to 3.6) and I've hit a weird snag. One of the maps is using a widget that I can't find anywhere. I can't even seem to find anything that...
View ArticleSearch widget Zoom To Issue
So I'm having an issue with the Zoom To function of the Search widget. In my map, I have 3 searches, and 2 of them allow me to zoom to my results. The 3rd doesn't. I cannot seem to find out where the...
View ArticleIdentify Widget Link Function
Having some issue getting the Link function to work from the Identify widget, version 3.6, through application builder. Have used it successfully with various other versions but this is my first trial...
View ArticlePrint Legend Question
I have created a custom print geoprocessing service. All works good. However, the legend does not seem to resize when I try and print the map. It seems to overlap the map frame. I have the Print Widget...
View ArticleEditor Tracking returns anonymous
I am running a website with the Flex editor widget ver. 3.6 on ARCGIS 10.2. We have an SQL server 2008r2 with IIS-7 Basic Authentication. When I enable editor tracking, the user column lists...
View ArticlePre-release announcement about the New Forums
For the past few months, development work has been underway here at Esri to build a comprehensive online community platform, which will include a new evolved discussion forum. Esri's new Enterprise...
View ArticleGoogle Analytics Widget for 3.6
A few years ago someone made a Google Analytics widget for 2.4. Any ideas if this widget works for 3.6?
View Articleerror 2032 !!!
Dear All , When i try to open our web map , I found window message is error 2032 , How can solve this error ??? Anyone know about it , many thanks Regards, Mohammed
View ArticleLegend Layer in print widget
Hi, I want to add only a few layers in the legend to the print parameters.layoutOptions.legendLayers The API documentation mentions that one can use the layerlegends class to supply the desired layers....
View Articleidentify setting tool
Dear All , Actually I was trying to identify setting tool , but I have Question and I need help from you . I put identify in my web map it is working , but i dont want identify working for all layers...
View ArticleMap Switcher Widget - Prevent Reordering, turning on and off,
Is it possible to prevent users from reordering, changing transparency, or turning layers on and off in the Map Switcher? I would prefer not to use it, but, have to have it enables so the stock legend...
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