I began a discussion briefly with Robert on his widget page regarding the use of the links tag in his identify widget. As I've explained, I'm having issues getting special characters to pass through the widget.
I have a link prefix that contains some special characters, and thus, needs to be encoded. I am using the html encoding format for example %7B for a {. The widget (or Flex) is automatically encoding the %, and my resulting url is passed as %257B. Obviously, the browser doesn't know what that is and the URL doesn't work. Any tips for html encoding within flex and your widget? Specifically encoding { and }?
I've also tried using { for { and } for }, however, it isn't working correctly. Below is an example of how I have the links tags configured in the widget:
<linkprefix>http://servername/results.aspx?searchtype=Advanced&Infrastructure_Drawings={ID_Drawing_No = </linkprefix>
URL Returned:
http://servername/results.aspx?searchtype=Advanced&Infrastructure_Drawings={ID_Drawing_No =13318}
It is working in the suffix, but it not in the prefix. Any help would be appreciated.
I have a link prefix that contains some special characters, and thus, needs to be encoded. I am using the html encoding format for example %7B for a {. The widget (or Flex) is automatically encoding the %, and my resulting url is passed as %257B. Obviously, the browser doesn't know what that is and the URL doesn't work. Any tips for html encoding within flex and your widget? Specifically encoding { and }?
I've also tried using { for { and } for }, however, it isn't working correctly. Below is an example of how I have the links tags configured in the widget:
<linkprefix>http://servername/results.aspx?searchtype=Advanced&Infrastructure_Drawings={ID_Drawing_No = </linkprefix>
URL Returned:
http://servername/results.aspx?searchtype=Advanced&Infrastructure_Drawings={ID_Drawing_No =13318}
It is working in the suffix, but it not in the prefix. Any help would be appreciated.