Channel: Forums - ArcGIS Viewer for Flex
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Adding Rasters to Dynamic Legend or ESRI Legend

Hello, I am trying to bring in some raster symbology data into my legend, however the information does not show up. I am using ArcGIS 10.1 for server and desktop with Viewer for Flex 3.1. The raster...

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Swipe/Spotlight Widget 3.1 not populating drop down list - 'ioError'

I am trying to use the Swipe/Spotlight widget for Flex 3.1 compiled, however I am getting the following error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error...

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Link widget

Has anyone figured out how to move the location of the Link widget popup? I've move the widget container down, but the popup remains in the same location. -Bob

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Selected Operational Layers Update or Refresh

Within the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex, when adding new layers to an existing map, the existing layer order gets jumbled. I'm not sure how to add a new layer in the middle of all the other layers without...

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Identify Widget 3.1, using Links

I began a discussion briefly with Robert on his widget page regarding the use of the links tag in his identify widget. As I've explained, I'm having issues getting special characters to pass through...

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PrintWidget Format & Layout_Teplates dropdownlist

Can you only have two choices for Formats on the dropdown list instead of 8 choices? Samething for Layout templates as well.

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etime widget

I tried Robert's etime widget which is a great idea, however, it seems it still time-slides on all visible layers. In the widget xml file I specify each time slide layer, and all layers are defined in...

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FLEX 4.6 could not find resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'

I've seen this issue on some of the Flex forums at Adobe and Esri, but have not been able to reach a solution. I started with custom written widgets designed to work in ArcGIS 1.x API for Flex and have...

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Bug : getAllLoadedWidgetIds function

I have noticed that the getAllLoadedWidgetIds returns Ids of even closed widgets. Anyone knows how to fix this bug and get only the truly opened widget lists?

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Identify Widget 3.1

Hi I just added this widget to my Flex - application builder site, and when I click on the icon nothing comes up. Not even an error message. Im sure this is simple, but what could I be missing? Any...

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Operational Layer not displaying

I've got a dynamic layer in my FV that is behaving curiously. It appears in the Layers List widget but won't actually display. I have confidence in the map service itself as that loads fine in ArcMap...

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Widget scrollbar styles

Hi, In default.css I saw there are selectors for changing the scrollbar style of both mx and spark controls. This not only applies to FlexViewer but also all custom widgets that are added to the...

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Excel Widget and State Plane Coordinates

Is it possible for the Excel Widget to work with state plane coordinates instead of in lat long format? Can this be easily configured with the xml file?

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FV 3.1, https and secured services

Hi all, I need to restrict the access to an application based in FV 3.1 to only autenthicated users. I've developed in Php the authentication process in a Postgres database and using https. My idea is...

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Viewer 3.1 Edit Widget Problem with updating attributes

I recently upgraded to AGS Viewer for Flex 3.1 and am experiencing some issues with the Edit widget. I have a point feature service and the users are allowed to enter new features and/or modify the...

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eSearch data grid question

Here is the situation I have for one of my Viewer's. I have the eSearch widget acting as two separate tools; each controlling a separate operational layer. I realize I can have all layers in one...

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Editor Widget and Clustering

I have run into an issue with the clustering function for a feature layer in Flex Viewer 3.1. I would like to cluster the feature layer and still be able to edit, but if several features are clustered,...

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Description in TOC Widget

The "Description" link does not appear in the TOC Widget window if the service is a secure service. Also it does not appear if the service is public, but is a type "feature" for a map service (as is...

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Using the Export Map Widget within a Widget Container

Rob, Looking back through the readme file I noticed that you stated that the export widget should be placed with the UI elements instead of within a widget container. Why do you suggest doing so? I...

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Error#1069 Locate Coordinate Widget

I have been reworking the locate coordinate Widget to address a situation where a User input a Lat/long(DMS) (wkid=4326) and I have to locate them on a NAD83 (wkid=2653) basemap , so I tried to run the...

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